As for 'Science Fiction', let me explain briefly about the course of action i have adopted to deal with "(my) present situation."
I've been advised by David Cadman, PRESIDENT of Vancouver's 'United Nations Association', that there are questions about the legality of the Bush-led war against Iraq because the U.N. Charter specifies that for the authorization of the use of force under the auspices of the United Nations, "concurrence" by the five permanent members of the Security Council is necessary...and China "abstained."*
I doublechecked in my own reference books, sir, and David is correct.
I promised, as my resume states without qualification, to conduct this "International Diplomatic Work...on a direct basis" with respect for the rule of law in international affairs.
I could not endorse the war effort, even if it was regarded as a U.N. action and i have the SENIOR ADVISER TO THE YEAR OF THE CHILD authority in my name, because Reagan failed to provide me with the instructions i many times requested of him (the 56 registered letters...) how he would have me complete the "International Diplomatic Work...on a direct basis" to his satisfaction. And Bush has not communicated with me either since taking office as U.S. President.
I enclose a reduced copy of a correspondence i got from the management of certain of those popular entertainers cited in 'Science Fiction'. That it is addressed to the U.N. authority in my name would be entirely consistent with what was drawn to their attention in 1978 when they were asked for help to aid the world's children and poor and disadvantaged peoples.
It was clearly understood then, further, that they would not be linked to anyno linkage was to be suggested between whatever they did to help encourage charity to good causes and peaceful purposes and "militarism" unless it was decided that there is in fact an undeniable "linkage" between them.
And then in that case...before next year's Hallowe'en comes up with its children out collecting donations to UNICEF along with their treats, should we start advertising that those donations could be used to help finance the next step in Bush's/the U.N.'s(?) march towards a "new world order"?
Maybe we could even ask the Palestinians for advice how to raise our children to readily buy into this hairbrained scheme given the Intifada.
You see the 1981 Mark Gayn column here that was one of the reasons why i quit that Toronto job shortly after reading it and learning of the assassination of Anwar Sadat.
I'm less facetious than you might think, sir.
You may wonder why i've been proceeding with the submission(s) of document copies to the A.N.C. even with the burden it puts on my finances. (The Toronto office of the A.N.C. is even now waiting for a submission promised for around Christmas.)
Well, today i see news that the Koreas are saying they will not seek nuclear arsenals. But recent reports--and a discussion i had with a member of the U.N. team inspecting Iraqi nuclear facilities in this city only weeks ago**--underline that such countries as are cited in 'Science Fiction' are indeed already nuclear-armed or may be very soon.
Term of reference f) here will have to be explained by me in one of the pending statements as the Globe and Mail has its microfilmed system awry; and in any case, unless they reported completely incorrectly--one can only ask why, if a strong, internationally-unified "alternative" to "militarism" was established in Washington...certainly essential to the credibility of any realistic attempt to dissuade the fledgling nuclear powers from further pursuit or use of what they already have...Iraq wasn't crushed under the weight of those sanctions (short of starving innocent people, of course).