Oh, so Iraq may get one nuke in a year or two.
And according to U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE Jim Baker the U.S. and Russia have to maintain arsenals of roughly 27,000 each as "deterrents."
"All of us" now know how good these U.S. satellites are from the Gulf War coverage. In reference to g) here, let me only say that three difference South Africans--two school teachers visiting the country to seek funding for black education programs in their homeland--in the course of this last year have asked me when the book about my diplomatic work i was urged by their country's late and great author Alan Paton will be ready.
In all cases i told them before i settle down to write it i have to ask President Carter for copies of the 1978 documents that are relevant to its contents and future significance.
As i said...we believed in 1978 that things should be done with "balance" and with respect for the relationships between various fields of undertaking. For instance, if i simply ask President Carter to use his "best judgment" and send me copies of everything he thinks is important to the purpose of such a book--what if he sends me copies of the 1978 statements to Mr. Breshnev (prepared by me) proposing nuclear arms reductions and a "zero option" strategy, or the one proposing a "free trade union in the Soviet bloc" to be named "Solidarity" (i vividly recall crediting suggestion of this name to then B.C. New Democratic Party Leader Dave Barrett so...)*; or the statements about Palestinian autonomy (given that the A.N.C. and P.L.O., for example, have well-known relations, and if Mr. Mandela is "an African nationalist"--as i underlined in his own words in the contents of item 4) of this Christmas, 1987 submission to P.W. Botha--and there are both oil-rich countries and some of the world's poorest countries in Africa...doesn't it make particular sense that these documents be included in a book with special interest to Africans?) And the other articles on the page here are to remind us that while most of the apartheid laws are down now...the whites control the money...and likely have a nuclear arsenal. If civil war results because not enough pressure is applied to Pretoria to establish a more equitable economic system in South Africa...**
h) here--especially the September 30, 1990 The Province article--goes hand in glove with a December 8, 1991 'Compton Report' (a Seattle NBC affiliate news program) interview with American author Seymour Hersh (one of many who believe Israel does in fact possess a sizable nuclear arsenal) in which he pointed out that when the Iraqi Scuds started to hit Israel, the government put Israel's people on "nuclear alert": they were preparing for the use of nuclear arms.
I frankly think i have to send a copy of this to Washington--to U.S. SENATE MAJORITY LEADER George Mitchell***