I repeat it here so that all who read my book will understand the most fundamental basis for what will be read about the "International Diplomatic Work...on a direct basis" i prepared in and since 1978.
And with respect for why i have decided to not continue the work under the conditions applying at Christmas, 1987, i include the introductory dedications on the following page.
If "history teaches" us anything about why so many of us have suffered and died as victims of violence, the first priority of "all of us," now that we may finally be on the road to nuclear disarmament and freedom from "the fear of annihilation" by the weapons, should be to dedicate our "concerns" to these individuals, living and dead, who gave us the "best" of what we have today.
I believe it's time that "all of us" respect the losses a generation ago, in World War Two, and now begin to live with respect for what we lost...and what we gained.