Frequently Asked Questions Q and A

Questions and Answers

Over the past few years of fresh man enrollment, we have encountered quite a number of questions regarding the art of karate. As we have found out that, although we have explained what karate is, people still have some doubts about it. With doubts in their minds, they may not consider joining our club. Therefore, we set up this QNA page to answer and to explain most of the questions, which they had doubts on:

Q. What is Karate?

A. Karate is a martial art that teaches a person to defend oneself when faced with possible threat of danger to one's life. By
learning karate, one will be able to defend oneself when faced by one's enemy. Karate is not only a physical art but a mental art too.

Q. What does Karate teach?

A. Basically karate teaches you a series of punches, blocks, kicking and even includes weapons training. Karate also teaches tournament sparring, kata (a series of movement) and also street fighting techniques. Besides that, our style of karate is Goju-ryu which teaches both hard and soft techniques.

Q. What is the differences between Karate and Tae-Kuan-Do?

A. Basically, both founders of these two arts are different. Firstly, karate is a purely Japanese art founded by Chojun Miyagi whereas Tae-Kuan-Do is a mixture of Korean art and Japanese karate founded by a Korean general in the 1800's. Next, the style of our arts are different too. People in Tae-Kuan-Do are mostly well-versed in their dynamic kicks where it can be shown clearly when they often used their legs during sparring. But Tae-Kuan-Dos also train their hands too. On the other hand, Karate-Kas trained almost every part of their body and there are no such thing as well-versed in one specific part, which means all-rounded.

Q. Do I need any martial arts background before I join SPKC?

A. No. You do not need any martial arts background. Most of our present seniors and juniors all started with nothing. But through their efforts, they are able to improve their standard in Karate. In fact, those with martial arts background may be able to manage well in a new art. But on the other hand, they may not be able to switch well from their previous art too

Q. What is the benefits for both sexes after joining karate?

A. For female, after training in karate, they will be able to keep up a good figure and healthy mind. Not only that, it can also build up their self-esteem and confidence. Most important is that, they will be equipped with a set of self-defence skills to protect themselves from danger. For males, it is a good time for guys to train up your body and stamina so as to make early preparations for national service. But there's more.....Besides that, karate will also train you to be a student leader in SP. If you are good, you are able to take part in numerous tournaments in which you can earn quite a load of CCA points. CCA points may also help you to earn a place in university or in other istitutes.

Q. When is the training and where is the training place?

A. Our training hours last for two hours and a half, starting from 6.30pm to 9.00pm, every Monday and Thursday. Our training grounds will normally take place at the PolyCentre, near the Student Affairs Centre.

Q. Is the training tough? Will the training affect my studies?

A. The training will be tough but we believe that you all can withstand the training. Thats what training all about. No, it will not affect your studies. It will all depends on your management of time. We have several student members who have good performances in karate, but also attained several distinctions in their studies too. As I say, there's a will, there's a way.

Q. Do we need to pay any fees for karate?

A. Before you joined us, you can check with other schools in Singapore. They will charge you $25 to $40 per month. But SPKC only charge students $20 dollars per person which is slightly lower than the market price. But I think spending $20 a month recieving trainings from world-standard karate instructors is worthwhile. You won't have any regrets. Another thing, you will also need to buy a set of gis, which cost about $35 each. Gis are a must in karate trainings.

Q. How do I join SPKC?

A. You can visit our clubhouse just above the Students' Affairs Centre (third floor, enter the room and walk into the end) every Monday and Thursday, 2pm to 5pm. Our SPKC members will be there to entertain new members who wanted to join us.

If anyone still have any doubts about karate, you can mail to us below. We will try our best to answer your queries. Hope that you all can join us.

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Copyright 2003 Mr Tan Chun Hwee Last Updated: 15 / 5 / 2004