Couch Potato Fantasy Football League

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Home Getting Started Player Moves Scoring Standings Weekly Results Rosters Lineups E-Mail Commish




League Format
Team Name
The Draft
Weekly Lineup
Adding Players
Trading Players
Waiving Players
Injured Reserve
QB Scoring
RB Scoring
WR/TE Scoring
K Scoring
D/SpTm Scoring


Weekly Results

Weekly results will be posted here each Tuesday evening.
Click on desired week to view stats.
Week 1 Week 5 Week 9 Week 13
Week 2 Week 6 Week 10 Week 14
Week 3 Week 7 Week 11 Playoffs Wk 1
Week 4 Week 8 Week 12 Playoffs Wk 2




Home   Getting Started    Player Moves   Scoring    Standings/Transactions   Weekly Results  Rosters    Submit Lineup   E-Mail Commish

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This site is intended to assist current CPFFL members only, and is in no way meant to solicit participation or payment.