Melami & Brown Karnth

Funny how it's gotten so cold all of a sudden. You pull your outer flying leather jacket closer to warm up. Its cold, even inside. You turn a corner and are in the fighting wing's hall. The second plate reads familar names. Brownrider Melami & Brown Karnth You knock, smiling and pushing the door open when a friendly "Come in" greets you. Tomboy-ish Melami is sitting on the dragon couch, snuggled up next to a sleeping Karnth. She holds a book or pad in her hands, scribbling neatly upon it. She smiles when she sees you. "Oh, hello again. I'm just getting a little work done here before some mission we're supposed to be doing. Oh! You haven't heard, I'm the Weyrling Master now." Melami beams proudly, her blue eyes shining.

Melami's canine Terisa trots in and sits near the couch, putting her head in Melami's lap. Next, her firelizard Gimh flies in a perches on her shoulder. Somehow, Gimh flies in again and perches on her other. Wait. There can't be two Gimhs, in the same place at once. Then you notice the second flies's strange coloring. They're two different firelizards. You sigh, relieved that you aren't going crazy. Melami has seen the look on your face and she has laughed. "I see you've met Duo, the newest addition to my little family. One day, when everybody was on the beach, a firelizard clutch began to hatch. Somehow, they were all special browns. Interesting, eh?"


Just then, Karnth stirs. Melami's eyes glaze over for a moment as she mindspeaks with her lifemate. She sighs and sets her pad down. "The Weyrleader says we have to report outside for our mission now. It's probably getting extra blankets or food from the nearest Hold." She pulls on her wher hide boots as Karnth walks over to the flight ledge, but hestitates. Melami groans. "Great, it's raining too. Some day for a mission, huh? I hadn't even noticed." She pulls on an extra flying leather and tucks her helmet under her arm while she pulls her gloves on. "Well, it can't be that bad. Hafta have a more postive attitude if I'm going to be the Weyrling Master, eh? Well, come on now, Karnth. Let's go." She puts on her helmet as she mounts Karnth.


"It was nice meeting you again, even if it was a short visit. Mind Duo and Gimh and Terisa for me, will you? Thanks a lot!"

On the table are two wher-hide skins, maps to Gallimim Weyr and Talor Cliff Weyr. Also on the table is a leather bound book or you could explore Melami's weyr further.