You sell incoming travel and you are after
the European market? The following companies have relied
on VICTOURIS to reach the French. HARLEM, YOUR WAY! (NEW YORK). Providing with mailing list of French wholesalers. BENNETT GUIDED TOURS (UTAH). Translating material into French. LAKE TAHOE ACCOMMODATIONS (CALIFORNIA). Market survey of French wholesalers. Analyzing position of Lake Tahoe in their catalogs. TOUR SHUTTLE COLUMBIA (LOS ANGELES). Approaching French wholesalers selling city tours to individuals. Following up. INTERNEXUS (OREGON). Market survey of French wholesalers specializing in foreign language study programs. Counselling strategy. THE GERSHWIN HOTEL (NEW YORK). Creating material in French. Approaching wholesalers doing budget travelers. Bringing in clients during the low winter season. Having the hotel printed on the brochures of number 10 and number 5 wholesalers in France. CHARISMA VOYAGES (THAILAND). Submitting web site to French travel search engines and directories. This Travelring site is
owned by : Victouris