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nicht nur auf den Meeren und Seen..

hat der Kompass fuer genaue Wegbestimmungen (fast) ausgedient




Cover image bathycutout.gif webnapped in Dec.1996 from http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/bathymetry/bathymetry.html

Bathymetrie: Geodäsie & Meer


Wie sieht es unten am Meeresboden aus? Gibt es auf dem Grund der Ozeane Berge und Täler? Oder ist unter den Wellen und dem Wasser irgendwann in weiter, weiter Tiefe ein großer, glatter Boden? Die Unebenheiten des Meeresbodens in Kuestennaehe waren lange bekannt, aber fuer den weiten Ozean nahm bis vor rund 100 Jahren an, dass er eben sei. Erst bei der die Verlegung der Tiefseekabel begleitenden Vermessung des Meeresbodens stellte man fest, dass er aehnlich starke Variationen der Topografie aufweist wie die fuer uns sichtbare Erdoberflaeche.

Aber auch heute gibt es vom Mond und einigen Planeten mit ihren Monden genauere Karten als von einem großen Teil unseres Planeten Erde! Wie kann man das bloss jemanden erklaeren? Ich versuch es mal...


bathymetry, hydrography, marine geodesy, ..

It is salutary to note that, whereas high resolution topographic maps have already been produced for the moon, Mars and Venus, the mapping of the world's oceans will continue well into the foreseeable future. There is a growing need for improved global bathymetry, particularly amongst modellers studying the role of the oceans in the climate system and sea floor bathymetry has been recognized as an essential component e.g. for the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS).
Almost up to World War II, all soundings in the deep ocean were discrete wire soundings, and only with the advent of the echo-sounder in the 1940s did sufficient data start becoming available for the compilation of meaningful bathymetric charts. However, even to the present day, the sounding coverage of the world's oceans is very patchy and often concentrated on isolated tracklines with large gaps in between. Very few areas of the deep ocean have been systematically surveyed and a proper scientific understanding of the processes involved in shaping the seafloor is required in order to interpolate the bathymetry between sounding lines.

Hydrography is the science of measuring and depicting those parameters necessary to describe the precise nature and configuration of seas, rivers, and other bodies of water, their geographical relationship to the landmass, and their characteristics and dynamics. These parameters include bathymetry, tides, currents, waves, physical properties of water, geology and geophysics. The primary use of the data collected is to compile marine charts and other graphic documents to facilitate and ensure safety of navigation for mariners in all the seas of the world, and for use by others concerned with the marine environment such as ocean engineers, oceanographers, marine biologists and environmental scientists. Among the most important applications of hydrographic knowledge is its use in the planning of exploration and exploitation of marine resources, the determination of seaward limits of national jurisdiction, and the delimitation of maritime boundaries.

Nautical charts and bathymetric maps will add to the understanding of our planet, they will contribute to illustrate the unique situation of planet Earth, and they will enable us to conserve and take care of the rich and limited ressources. Data in digital form, e.g. the GEBCO Digital Atlas (
GDA), may be included in geographical information systems (GIS).

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Copyright ©1998 by Heinrich Hinze, Wedesbüttel, D-38527 Meine. 1