Sale Sheep
Hi Plains Suffolk Sheep
"Breeding Suffolks For All The Right Reasons"


Hi Plains Complete Dispersal.

12-4 Yr. Olds Sired By Luxford 95-703. Ewes Bred; Price- $450 ea.

12-3 Yr. Olds Sired By Luxford and Lost River 96-903 Bred; Price- $550 ea.

18-2 Yr. Olds Sired By Lost River 96-903. All ewes carrying at least one "R" gene. Bred; Price- $650 ea.

11 Yearlings Sired By Lost River 96-903 & Stevens IC 283. All ewes carrying at least one "R" gene. Bred; Price- $750 ea.

29 Ewe lambs By Lost River 96-903, Stevens IC 283 and Hi Plains 80113; All ewes carrying at least one "R" gene. Bred; Price- $750 ea.

These ewes will start lambing in mid January. The lambs will have been sired by the rams list in Ram Power page site. We are looking to have the best set of lambs yet from this set of rams.

We would like to sell the flock as a group ( 80 ewes for $50,000), but would listen to any offer. Records are available.

For more Information: E-Mail: Larry Arehart Phone: (785) 462-6047

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