Welcome to TALES FROM THE CURIO featuring Gene Marshall. My name is Andrew and I have been collecting Ashton Drake's Gene doll for well over a year now. This website will tell you a lot about me, my Gene collection, some other things that interest me, and info on friends around the world you haven't even met yet!! I would like for this to be a place to discuss, exchange ideas and form friendships. Feel free to look around, explore the website, help yourself to some homemade cookies, make a friend or two... Everyone is welcome!!

Take a look at some of the dolls in my curio. Follow the link to see Gene in all of her costumed glory. This page will be updated as much as possible.
Gene Pictures

Tired of all of the negative posts on other doll boards? Welcome to Tales from the Curio Bulletin Board!
Tales From The Curio Bulletin Board

Music has always played a very important part in my life. Click on the following link to see which CD's made it into the "FEATURED MUSIC" for this month!
Tales From The Curio's CD's of the Month

Lights! Camera! Action! It's time to salute the movie pics of the month! Click the following link to see which movie made it to the top in my book.
Tales From The Curio's Movie of the Month

Let's Get Cooking!!! It's time to brush up on your culinary skills with the RECIPE OF THE MONTH!
Recipe of the Month

UP for TRADE! I love trading things for Gene costumes and dolls. Please take a look at my list of completely random collectables ranging from Spice Girls to Disney.
Swap List!!

Gene may be the shining star on my website but there are a few more dolls which spark my interest. Click the following links to see pictures of dolls by Crees & Coe and the Bob Mackie Barbie doll collection.
Crees and Coe Creations
Bob Mackie Barbie Doll Collection

Please sign my guestbook and let me know you stopped by!!!
Sign Guestbook View Guestbook


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