Pictures of iguanas

Girl with pet ig
This photo, as well as the following one, were taken during my trip to Puerto Vallarta (Mexico). Images like these can be seen just about everywhere. Iguanas are like dogs or cats to these people... :-)

Don't you find these two men look rather suspicious?... You have every reason to feel that way... They are exploiting their iguanas to make money from the tourists. "Take a photo of the large magnificient lizard, for only 25 pesos..." This kind of action is illegal in this area...

A female ig I "babysat" during the Summer of 1997... Her name was Stripy, and she was absolutely adorable. Needless to say, it was hard for me to see her go! :-)


The little bratt had attached herself to my hair, and here I am going through great efforts to get her to let go... *giggle* :-)


I think this photo says it all. :-)

Go see pictures of my cats.

Questions ?... Comments ?... Do not hesitate to send me mail. :-)

Julie Chamberlain

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