Dear Brothers, Letters to Christian Men
Conversation With A Pew Salesman
By Allen A. Benson



Letter 12 The Cat Who Choose Unwisely


December 23,1996

Dear Br. Chambers:

Last week, a friend gave us a cat for a pet. They brought it in a cat carrier and, when released, the cat promptly disappeared behind a tall cabinet in the kitchen. Thinking this was a case of initial shyness, we left food, water, and a potty box near the cabinet and retired to the next room to let the cat get accustomed to its new home. For the next five days, the cat hid, first behind the cabinet, then behind the washer, and finally under the compressor of the refrigerator where, presumably, it was warmer, for the kitchen is cold in winter, not being heated by anything other then a kerosene stove in the living room.

We desired to shower the cat with love and affection, as a pet, and were willing to do whatever we could to make it feel comfortable and loved, however, it refused to come out from its hiding place. After five days, we realized that it would never become a pet and accept our love and blessings. It apparently preferred another home to the one we could provide for it. Therefore, the only alternative we had was to take it to the humane society or animal shelter, where it would either find another home or would be destroyed after a few days.

Here is an interesting symbol of what God is willing to do for us. Just as the cat did not seek us out, God comes looking for us. Just as we were willing to provide a nice home, food, water, shelter, and a potty box for the cat, so he is willing to provide these things and infinitely more for us, but there is a condition to His generosity, just as there was a condition to our generosity toward the cat.

We desired a pet for two reasons, to love it and to be loved in return by it. May I have the audacity to suggest that God desires the same things from us, to love us and to be loved by us in return. While we are selfish in our attitude toward the cat, God is not selfish toward us.

But when the cat refused our hospitality and offers of love and rather desired another home, as manifested by his refusal to accept our love and care, then we had no alternative but to let him go. It is doubtful that he will be happy in any other home, therefore, the only possible alternative, for the cat, is eternal death.

Here again the parallel is striking. God has provided an eternal home for us on condition that we love Him and live in accordance with His laws which is not difficult for He has already given us sufficient grace to love and obey Him. Is this too difficult? Is it difficult to love one who has already manifested such marvelous, unconditional, self-sacrificing love as Christ displayed when He condescended to leave heaven, to live on this earth and share the lot of humanity, then to go to hell for us? I say again, when we truly understand what Christ did for us, it is not difficult to love such a God.

But many people refuse Him, preferring another home other then the one He prepared for us. But is there an alternative home? NO! Just as there is only one God, so there is only one home. When the cat choose to reject our home and love, in preference for the unknown future, it was love that prompted us to let him have his desire, even though he did not know the fate that awaited him. It is not love that makes a cat live in a home in which he cannot be happy, in which he lives in constant fear and anxiety, even thou there is no reason for such apprehensions.

By the same reasoning, it is not love that compels people to live with Christ for an eternity in a home that they neither desire nor want but despise and fear. Many people suppose that God will change them when they reach heaven and the things they despised on earth, they will now love, and the person whom they despised during their entire life time on earth, they will now love and reverence for an eternity. Those who believe this idea would do well to provide scriptural proof for such a transformation.

Just as we could not reason with the cat or change its mind, so Christ cannot affect such a transformation as this false logic suggests. No, there is nothing about or in heaven that will make us happy and content to live with someone we have hated and yet experience happiness and contentment for an eternity.

Therefore, what is God to do with those who prefer another home. The only possible solution divine love could devise is to let them have what they desire, a home apart from God. But, since such a home does not exist, what these people are in effect choosing is what the cat choose, death. Therefore, it is love that allows people to enter the fires of hell and to suffer the consequences of their choice which is NOT ETERNAL TORMENT but eternal separation from God and His love.

God’s love is so infinite that He allows people to separate themselves from Him if this is what will make them happy. While the cat could not possibly understand the consequences of his choice, we can understand them. While it is not pleasant to contemplate, the cat would momentarily understand what was happening to him as he felt the prison enter his veins from the lethal injection administered by the veterinarian but his sufferings would last only a moment. In the same manner God’s love will not permit people to suffer in hell for an eternity but only momentarily will they suffer the pain they have inflicted upon themselves through their own wrong choices.

Several months ago, I asked a minister, who believes in an eternally burning hell, a question. If you were God and had the power to do whatever you desired would you make people suffer in hell for an eternity or only for a few moments? He thought about this question then evaded the truth it illustrated by saying, as did the Pharisees when confronted with another unpalatable truth that he could not tell. In other words, when given the opportunity to act Godlike he choose to equivocate rather then acting in a loving and kindly manner. Secretly, I suspect, he would have chosen an eternally burning hell to a hell of short duration for the former type is better suited to our sinful natures then God’s type of hell. We are often quite content with the possibility that our brother, who has sinned against us, will suffer for an eternity in hell. When presented with the alternative of a hell of short duration we are offended for it does not administer sufficient punishment to suit our offended sinful natures. It is Satan who desires us to consign people into hell for an eternity while it is love that desires to make their punishment as short and painless as possible.

Let us, as brothers in Christ, seek to warn people of the consequences of choosing another home other then the one that Christ has prepared for us and let us not hate so blindly as to desire their eternal suffering. Love is always better then hate. To classify God as a God who hates so intensely that He delights to inflect eternal torment on people who have sinned for only a short life time is to misrepresent His character. Our duty, as Christian men, is to give a correct representation of Christ through the witness of our lives. Let us love rather then hate. Let us exhibit mercy rather then revenge. Let us show compassion, rather then condemnation. Let us be humane, rather then cruel. Let us be Godlike rather then Satan-like. Let us love, rather then hate.

May the Lord encourage you, my brother, to be all the man that you can be. Love those who despitefully use you and bless those who curse you that you may have a home in heaven for then you will be Christ-like in everything and posses the qualifications that will fit you for an eternity with God. We obtain these qualification here on earth by reflecting His character. If we do not posses the passport of unconditional, self-sacrificing love, we shall never enter the promised land.

Be of good courage, my brother, Christ loves you. Your brother in Christ.

Allen A. Benson


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