Welcome to the UK Buddies Homepage

My name is Cath and I am the UK Buddies Listkeeper. This homepage is dedicated to all the ladies and gentlemen
who are going through Infertility.

I got married in July of 1997 and whilst on honeymoon we decided it would be nice to begin trying for a baby.
We are still trying.

This homepage began as my own personal Homepage, but when I took over the list I began to change it
so that it would also be the UK Buddies Infertility Support Group's Homepage.

I hope you will enjoy this Homepage and will come back often to check out the changes that will be made.

You can purchase UK Buddies Handknitted Bears by e-mailing me at Caths Knitting the large bears are £15 and the smaller bears are £10. The jumpers are available in any colours the same goes for the writing. A perfect keepsake to remind you of all your friends on UK Buddies

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Chat is usually on Mondays and Thursdays at 9:30 (check with people on the list)
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Persevere with passwords and usernames, just keep changing them until it accepts you,
the more unusual the more chance you have of getting in

How do you cope?

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