Lipari, Salina, Filicudi, Alicudi, Vulcano, Stromboli and Panarea

Aeolian Genealogy

Form Letters to use when writing to Italy


To request:     Birth, Death and Marriage Certificates            Family Status Certificate
Municipal Addresses


These form letters are based on the letters I use when writing to Italy for Birth, Marriage, Death and Family Status Certificates.  I have received a response every time I have written, although what I am looking for is not always available.  Hopefully they will produce results for you as well.


Form Letter to use when requesting a Birth, Death or Marriage Certificate

[Return Address]



Gentile Direttrice [or Dirigente; use either when addressing a female],

Le sarei grato se potesse esaminare i registri per i seguenti atti e dopo inviarmi gli estratti con i nomi dei genitori in carta semplice [or, carta libera, as opposed to  carta in bollo, the latter certificate can be used for legal purposes and has a higher price].


La ringrazio in anticipo per la Sua gentilezza, e La prego di addebitarmi sia le spese.  Se i documenti non ci sono per quel periodo, o se Lei conosce altre fonti, Le sarei grato se potesse suggerirmi come proseguire la mia ricerca.

In attesa di un Suo cortese riscontro, con distinti saluti,



[Your Name and Signature]               In English        View a Sample Letter        Top


Family Status Certificate

A Family Status Certificate registers the composition of a particular family.  It show the names of the husband, wife, all the children born to them and their respective dates of birth and death.  If such a certificate does not exist for the family one is after, they obtain the information from the available civil records.  It is a good idea to show only the year of birth or death in your letter so when they send you the full dates, you can be sure they haven't just repeated the details you sent them.  It is also a good idea to capitalise the surnames so they stand out and are missed or misunderstood.

Form Letter to use when requesting a Family Status Certificate

[Return Address]



Egregi signori [when addressing a male],

Vi sarei grato se poteste esaminare i registri e dopo spedirmi un certificato di stato di famiglia [the new term now seems to be 'situazione di famiglia'] per la sequente famiglia chi abitava a [name of town where the family lived]:

[Husband's name], nato nel [year of birth.  Use  il + full date except for the 8th  (l'8...) and the 11th (l'11...)] a [place of birth], morto nel [year of death] a [place of death]

[Wife's name], sua moglie, nata nel [year of birth] a [place of birth], morto nel [year of death] a [place of death].



  1. [Name of first child]  nato/a [m/f] nel [year of birth] a [place of birth], morto nel [year of death] a [place of death]

  2. [Name of second child] nato/a nel [year of birth] a [place of birth], morto nel [year of deatha [place of death]

  3. [Continue for all known children.]


Vi ringrazio in anticipo per la vostra gentilezza, e vi prego di addebitarmi sia le spese.

In attesa di un vostro cortese riscontro, con distinti saluti,



[Your Name and Signature]                 In English        View a Sample Letter        Top

Be as complete as possible but if you do not know a particular detail, such as the year when one of them died, just leave it blank or write 'circa' or 'intorno al' for 'About'.  Besides the child's name, you might want to include the name of their spouse.  This is done by writing 'coniugato [if male, or coniugata if female] con [name of spouse].


Municipal Addresses relevant to Aeolian Research

State Archives of Messina

All'Archivio di Stato di Messina
      Direttore Alfio Seminara
      Via  XXIV Maggio  is. 291  n. 18
      98122     MESSINA     ITALIA   (ME)


Comune di Leni (Salina)

    Comune di Leni
    via Libertą, 8
    98050     SALINA     ISOLE  EOLIE
    Prov / MESSINA     ITALIA     (ME)


Comune di Lipari    (which  encompasses Lipari, Vulcano, Filicudi, Alicudi, Stromboli and Panarea within its jurisdiction)

All'Ufficio di Stato Civile
      Comune di Lipari
      p.zza G. Mazzini, 1
      98055     LIPARI     ISOLE EOLIE
      Prov / MESSINA     ITALIA     (ME)

Comune di Malfa (Salina)

    Comune di Malfa
    p.zza Municipio
    98050     SALINA     ISOLE  EOLIE
    Prov / MESSINA     ITALIA     (ME)



Comune di Santa Marina (Salina)

    Comune di Santa Marina
    ?     ?
    98050     SALINA     ISOLE  EOLIE
    Prov / MESSINA     ITALIA     (ME)

* The State Archives of Messina only have Birth, Death and Marriage Records for the Comune di Lipari for the years 1820-1865.  They do not have records for the period after this date nor do they have records pertaining to Salina.  If you ask for such information they will refer you back to the relevant Comune.  In addition, always send a couple of International Reply Coupons with your letter.



To request:     Birth, Death and Marriage Certificates            Family Status Certificate
Municipal Addresses



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