Wings Over Michigan
Butterfly links

Photos by Linda May-Used with permission
Giant Swallowtail

How to Make Butterfly Gardens - University of Kentucky Department of Entomology

Bring Back the Butterflies Campaign - has a guide to making gardens by region

Butterflies of North America
An indexed guide (by state) to butterflies in North America - ran by the U.S. Geological Survey
The Butterfly Site. com - Explore the exciting world of butterflies by visiting the Butterfly site's dozen butterfly topics, tons of butterfly topics, tons of butterfly links, contests, and awards. #1 information resource for everyone - teachers, students, parents, and butterfly lovers!


Butterfly Watching in Ontario
Gord Gallant's new site that is just as the title predicts. Reports, explanation of body parts, sightings, plants, species, links, photo gallery. New and growing site.

The Butterfly Website
The most complete information on butterfly gardening, farming, ecology and education. Great photos. Whatever you want to know about butterflies, it's here!
And check out THEIR links page!!

Children's Butterfly Site - a lot of information on butterflies, includes activities geared towards children

Electronic Resources on Lepidoptera - A site full of links to all facets of butterfly education

Journey North
This is one of my favorite sites in the spring and fall to find out all there is to know about the Monarch migration. Primarily meant as a teacher's site, any and all may participate. Not only for Monarchs but for all species that migrate. Weekly reports can be sent directly to your e-mail address.
For their homepage click here.
Or to go straight to this year's info on monarch migration...

Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary Foundation -
Dedicated to preserving the monarch overwintering grounds in Mexico
Monarch Lab
Biology, research, resources for teachers, and a great links page.
Monarch Magic
Offers a student monarch garden, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to help protect the monarch

Monarch Watch
Excellent site for educating yourself on monarchs. From rearing to tagging to migration. It's all here.

North American Butterfly Association
A site dedicated to increasing public enjoyment and conservation of butterflies

Northern Prarie Wildlife Research Center
A fabulous resource for 100's of butterfly and butterfly gardening links
and an incredibly comprehensive look at the butterflies of Michigan.
Awesome pictures!

Tactics and Vectors: Research on Butterfly Migration
A site devoted to promoting field studies on flight tactics and the navigation of migrating butterflies in N.A.

The Butterfly Zone - the butterfly gardening connection, how to attract butterfies and more!

Also check out my Birding Links Page! Click here.

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This page last updated December 19, 2000