Singer Fashion Mate Model 237
The Singer Fashion Mate Model 237 is a nice machine with little flair. It has built-in zig-zag capability and has a needle centering adjustment, which is helpful when a quilter needs a "scant" 1/4-inch seam allowance. We paid $5.00 for this machine at a flea market. Elizabeth wanted to take the motor off and use it as a bobbin winder for spinning, but Jim is holding onto the machine that still has a lot of life left in it.
The WeFixIt and VintageSingers Yahoo! groups hold the 237 in high regard, that is, high regard compared to its original price. This basic straight stitch and zig-zag machine is reported to do one of the finest satin stitches in its category. It also was made in two versions, the latter version having a knob for dropping the feed dogs and a knob for regulating the pressor foot pressure. Our machine is one of these.
The 237 sold new in mid-1960s for $88.00 with case and attachments. It is very heavy and very durable. Made in Monza, Italy. Serial number is ME308450.