ANNIE - For all your encouragement and assistance with our home school.
If we did not have people like you to assist us and answer our questions, our lives and our initial home schooling experience would
have been very, very difficult. THANK YOU.
HESTER VAN DER MERWE - TSHWANE HOME EDUCATORS ACADEMY. For all your encouragement and assistance with our
home school. You have truly gone the extra mile since we met you. THANK YOU. E-mail Hester @ THEA
THE TEACHERS AT MARANATHA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL - To all the teachers that taught Shannon during Grade 0 and 1.
All your work and effort is much appreciated and has enabled us to get off to a good start with our school.
Especially Judy Oberholzer, and Tanya Holdsworth for the extra mathematics. THANK YOU.
ACE MINISTRIES AND STAFF - For all the queries, work and helpful people. THANK YOU.
E-mail ACE Ministries
T.B. SEKGOBELA AND VAUGHAN HOLMES (GAUTENG EDUCATION) - Thank you for allowing me the privilege to home school
my daughter. THANK YOU.