The Skull Creek Common School District Number Eleven as well as other common School Districts were created as a result of the Public School Law of 1854. In 1850, the Texas Permanent School Fund was created, but it was not until 1876 when Texas adopted a new Texas Constitution and rejoined the Union that provisions were made for a state board of education which would oversee the schools of the state. After that, many communities began to think seriously about creating their own common school districts. (See Addendum - Early Texas Rural Schools) |
The administration of a local school was
in the hands of the three named trus-
tees from that Common School District and under the general supervision of the Austin County Board of Education which acted through the office of a County School Superintendent. After the district boundary lines of Skull Creek Com- mon School District were defined and confirmed by the Austin County Board of Education and then defined through the County Commissioners, the local school trustees, with the help of the community school patrons, hauled several wagon loads of lumber to the school site and erected a one-room school house and a small horse barn. |
The school house was erected on a two acre
tract of land which had been do-
nated by the Johann Fiesler family. The location of the school site was ideal and well chosen, because it was located on a wooded hill as nearly as possible in the geographical center of the district. The hill had big shady live oak and post oak trees, and the soil was a sandy soil ideal for barefoot play. So, in 1886, the Skull Creek School House came into existence. |
In the fall of 1886, when the cotton picking
and the corn harvesting was done,
it was time to start the Skull Creek School. When the school opened Rev. O. Maegle, the successor of Rev. Frueling of the old “Friendens” Lutheran Church of Shelby Community, served as the first teacher. He commuted by horse and buggy from his home to the school and back daily. |
Some of his students were: |
Alma Eckhoff | Henry Eckhoff | Theresa Eckhoff |
Fritz Ehlers | Ida Eixmann | Oscar Fiesler |
Paul Hetzel | Anton Laas | Anna Meischen |
Augusta Meischen | Karl Meischen | Louis Meischen |
Willie Meischen | Albert Piehl | Edwin Schlabach |
Augusta Stamann | Adel Sthudde | Heinrich Sthudde |
Emil Ullrich | Frank Ullrich | Otto Wiemann |
Edwin Wunderlich | Emil Wunderlich | Lena Wunderlich |
Agnes Gerick | Rosena Gerick |
The first enrollment records probably do
not exist, and the writers reconstruc-
ted the first enrollment from interviews. |
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