We have neglected updating this site since October, 2005.  This newsletter  will serve to chronicle the activities of our family from that time through 2006.  In March we traveled to the Outer Banks of  North Carolina for a family  reunion with Morgan's family.  In June, we met family members in Colorado for a District Convention and then spent a couple of days at Grand Lake just outside Rocky Mountain National Park.  In August, we had guests for our assigned District Convention in Portland, Oregon from South Dakota.  The end of  September, we visited friends in Kentucky and Tennessee and attended a meeting in New Jersey on October 6.  We also spent a few days in Manhattan and had dinner with friends on Staten Island.


We had a lot of  good times  during the past year including a 20th anniversary party in December 2005 and a  50th anniversary party for long-time friends.  In November of  2005, Diana hosted a tea party while Jim attended a seminar for ministers (elders).  Robin and Diana helped with baby showers in January and February.  We enjoyed a work day at our Kingdom Hall with members of the three congregations who use the building.  The Spanish Congregation brought the noon meal.  We hosted breakfast and dinner on separate occasions during the year for our book study group and had a group for brunch on December 25.