CPCC Students Page
- Installation of Personal Oracle, 8i
Hopefully, you've got your Oracle 8i CD, and you're ready to get started. The instructions below will walk you through each and every step of the installation process. NOTE: If you already have Oracle installed on your PC, you will need to start the Oracle Installer, and remove every Oracle component from your computer (Except, the Oracle Universal Installer, which it won't allow you to uninstall, which is OK).First, you get all of the instructions by clicking here (749K). Save the file to your hard drive, and double click on the file from Windows Explorer to invoke MS Word, and view the document. It's about 11 pages, and is very complete with screen shots, and a detailed explanation of each step.
Once completed, proceed on to the next step, where you create tables, and populate them with data. These are the exact same tables and data we're using in class. Become familiar with these tables, their structures, and relationships with other tables - you'll encounter them frequently during this course.
- Table scripts
Once you have your Oracle database installed on your computer, you must now create the tables (EMP, DEPT, BONUS, etc.) and populate them with data.
First, click here (Or, hold Shift down, and then click here), and save the cretabs.txt file as cretabs.sql to C:\Oracle8i subdirectory on your hard drive (24K). This is the cretabs.sql script, which will create the tables, and populate them with data, create a few sequences (More on that later), and even a small view (Again, more on that later). You will use this file in the next step.
Next, click here to view all of the instructions for running the cretabs.sql script (45K) Once saved to your hard drive, double click on the file name from Windows Explorer to invoke MS Word, and view the document. It's only 3 pages, but is very complete with screen shots, and a detailed explanation of each step.
Obviously, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask them in class.
- Helpful sites for our Oracle enjoyment
Some students have provided some links to interesting Oracle related sites. I went to Yahoo.com, and did an advanced search on SAMPLE ORACLE DBA CERTIFICATION, and here is a short run down of what I found. Also, some of you provided me with a list of a few sites last week that could be used, and those are listed below.
OraFans.com - Oracle Fans, looks good
DBASupport.com - Looks great, sample scripts, etc.
DBASupport.com DBA/DBO Certification information
LearningOracle.com - Exam guides (Books for purchase)
OraWorld.com Pretty good Q&A page about the exams, including price, etc.
Sql Tutorial page - Intro to SQL, and contains lots of other links to other sites
Oracle supported sites:
Oracle Tech Net home page (Registration required, but free)
Oracle University home page (Registration required, but free)
Oracle Education Certification Page, Sample Certification Test page
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