Fellows 2000

Reunion for the new millennium

Reunion Updates

July 16, 2000

  • Reunion participants interested in quilting will have the opportunity to take in Quiltfest at the Seattle Center. The event runs August 11-13 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day. General admission is $8. Seniors and children get in for $7. Tickets still remain for the Mariners-Tigers baseball game on August 13. Please notify Tracy or Nancy Larson as soon as possible if you plan to attend this or any other reunion event. Reservations at the Best Western Kirkland Inn were due July 15.

June 12, 2000

  • The last reunion letter is sent out. Family members are urged to return the enclosed attendance card as soon as possible. Reservations for rooms at the Best Western Kirkland Inn (800-332-4200) and reunion T-shirts must be made by July 15.

November 9, 1999

  • Family members can download Personal Ancestral File genealogy software from the Family Search web site. To access the program, just click the link above.

February 7, 2000

  • Please notify Tracy or Nancy Larson as soon as possible if you plan to attend the Detroit Tigers vs. Seattle Mariners baseball game on August 13. Reunion participants should also indicate their dinner preference -- barbecue picnic or Puget Sound cruise -- for August 12.

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