Immortal : By ??

Music from Jack's Shack


This is my first artistic attempt using Metacreations ArtDabbler 2.1


Here's just the ship's nova background.


This picture was made with pastel chalks,

not on the computer. I did it for RAT
on the occaision of our first anniversary. J


This picture is also pastel chalks..
I made this one as a Wedding gift for a good friend.
This is my first human figure...


And yet more pastels...
Someday, I'll get the rest of them posted.. J


Sign Book Write Me!

The background sets used on this page were made by

my mom and I, using my artwork- please do not use either

without my permission. (which I'll probably give... J) Thank-you

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[Journeys of the Spirit II- My Art] [CAT's Cardmaker!]

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Contents of PawPrints- About Us

[CAT's Tale] [RAT's Tale] [Wedding Day Blues]

[Our Wedding] [Our Pets] [Our Future Dreams]

Contents of Journeys of the Spirit-My poetry Page

[A Child Within] [Poems 4 RAT] [Greeting Card Poetry]

Contents of CAT's Fun Page!

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