A Storybook Wedding!

We've Only Just Begun : The Carpenters

Music from Laura's Midi Heaven

...finally... it's time for the big event...

The guests are all seated, the bridal party is all decked out in their regalia,

and a hush settles over the room.

The best men seat the couple's mothers then stand with the Groom.

The Groom takes up his Microphone and the music starts.

The Groom begins to sing 'Unchained Melody'

with a beauteous smile on his face.


"Oh, My love, My darling,

I've hungered for your touch

A long, lonely time..."

In comes the first Bridesmaid.


"and time goes by so slowly,

and time can do so much

are you still mine?"


In comes bridesmaid #2

"I need your love

I need your love

God speed your love tooo me!"


In comes the flower girl, strewing dried flower petals

Collected from all the bouquets the Bride had ever received from her man...

"lonely river flows

to the sea, to the sea,

to the open arms of the sea"


Bride enters with father of the bride.

"lonely river sighs,

wait for me, wait for me,

I'll be coming home,

Wait for me!"


Bridesmaid 1 arrives at the stage and takes her position.

"Oh, My love, My darling,

I've hungered for your touch"


Bridesmaid 2 arrives at the stage and takes her position.

"A long, lonely time...

and time goes by so slowly,"


Flowergirl arrives at the stage and takes her seat.

"and time can do so much

are you still mine?"


Bride arrives on stage, and the couple look lovingly

to each other as the song ends.

"I neeeed your love

I neeeeeed your love

God speed your love tooo me!"


Bride takes the microphone, and the music starts.

The Bride begins to sing "The Rose" to her love.

"Some say love, it is a river, that drowns the tender reed.

Some say love, it is a razor, that leaves, your soul to bleed

Some say love, it is a hunger, an endless aching need.

I say love, it is a flower, and you, it's only seed.

It's the heart, afraid of breaking that never learns to dance,

It's the dream afraid of waking that never takes the chance.

It's the one who won't be taken, who cannot seem to give

and the soul afraid of dying that never learns to live.

When the night has been too lonely, and the road has been too long

And you think that love is only for the lucky, and the strong

just remember, in the winter far beneath the bitter snows

lies the seed that with the suns love in the spring becomes the rose."


Bride and Groom both take up their mikes and begin

singing "Battle Hymn of Love" to the audience and one another


I will pledge my heart, to the love we share,

Thru the good and the bad times too...

I'll forsake my rest for your happiness

Till my death I will stand by you.

As god is my witness this vow I will make,

to have and to hold you no other to take.

For rich or for poor, under skies gray or blue

Till my death I will stand by you.


There are wars and there are rumors,

Of wars yet to come

Temptations we'll have to walk thru,

Tho others may tremble,

I will not rest, til my death I will stand by you.

I will put on the armor of faithfulness

And fight for a heart that is true.

Till the battle is won, I will not run.

Till my death I will stand by you.

-both sing-

As god is my witness this vow I will make,/

/As god is my witness this vow I will make,

to have and to hold you no other to take./

/to have and to hold you no other to take.

For rich or for poor, under skies gray or blue/

/For rich or for poor, under skies gray or blue

Till my death I will stand by you./

/Till my death I will stand by you."


Then it was time for the spoken vows...

Written by the bride and groom for each other

And as yet, unheard by one another...


Robbie to Cheryl- RAT to CAT

Cheryl, I vow to do one thing: bring you happiness.

To do that, I'll be your friend, your lover, your partner,

your husband, and father to our children.

I'll laugh with you in good times and cry with you in bad.

I'll save with you in rich times, and share with you in poor.

I'll be your nurse when you're sick, and your playmate when you're healthy.

Above all, I will give you all the love in my heart,

and hold you first in my thoughts, always.


Cheryl to Robbie- CAT to RAT

Robbie, Love can be a beautiful thing, much as a flower.

Although the beauty of these roses will eventually fade,

I promise you Robbie, My love for you will remain fresh and new

throughout our lifetimes, and, after our lifetimes together, when we, too,

begin to fade, wonderful memories of us and our happiness will shine bright

in the eyes and faces of our children, and theirs. I love you Robbie.


The couple is declared married, and kiss,

Bridal party exits to the music of

"We've only just begun"

The purrfect beginning of a new life together.


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