cat tales

It's A Wonderful Life

me and Stephen, Christmas 2002

My real name is Candy. I live in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, on the Keweenaw Peninsula, near Lake Superior. We experience all four seasons here. Unfortunately, winter is the longest.


Here are our current weather conditions:

Click for Houghton, Michigan Forecast

My nickname, SpotTheCat, is a two-part tale. First, I love cats. When I was thinking of nicknames, we had a cat named Spot. Second, I love Star Trek: The Next Generation. However, I thought all the good humanoid names would be taken, so I chose the name of the android Data's cat, Spot. I actually owe my nickname to my husband, it was his brilliance that came up with it.

I am a stay-at-home-mom, 48 years old, and have been married 23 years. I have two wonderful boys. My oldest was born in December of 1987, and my little one was born in December of 1998. My oldest has just started college at a local university, which is nice because he can still live at home, and my little guy is in 2nd grade. The house is very quiet for those few hours that they are gone. They have grown up so fast. They are both great kids, and although they both act like 2 year olds at times, and fight like any siblings, they are great friends, despite the age difference.

Besides spending time with my husband and boys, one of my favorite interests is reading. When I have time, I like to crochet. I have a few favorite TV shows I watch. I enjoy the computer: playing games, visiting message boards, sending and receiving email, and working on this site. I also enjoy playing video games, especially with my boys. I also enjoy being outdoors, especially in the summer. I like camping, hiking and walking in the woods, bike riding, fishing, gardening, even mowing the lawn. In the winter, I like to ice skate and go sledding with my boys. However, my official winter "sport" is snow shovelling.

Some Of My Other Interests

Cats (right now we have 1)

Dogs (right now we have 1 puppy)

Tropical Fish (right now we have 1 newt and a catfish)

Science Fiction and Fantasy(books, tv, games, and movies)

Graphic Tales

The Cat Tales banner is mine
The trees, fish, and UFO are from
icon bazaar link
The dragon is from
Animation Factory
All other graphics are from
catstuff graphics link

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Updated on 9-11-06

A kitten's work
Is never done.
There's air to chase--
Ten ways to run.

It takes all day
To fill my eyes
With sunny grass
And butterflies.

For spot from chuckles :"


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