Our First Baby!

Jeremy, 7th grade

Stop for a minute
Baby I'm so glad you're mine
And ever since the day you put my heart in motion
Baby I realize that there's just no gettin' over you

"Baby Baby"
Amy Grant

Jeremy was born on December 10, 1987, at 1:14 p.m., in Fredricksburg, Virginia. Needless to say, our lives were never the same. He has been a source of joy and love, and yes worry and frustration, as all children sometimes are. But we're very proud of him, he's a very smart, fun, caring, and considerate young man. Trying to find a small selection of pictures over the span of 13 years was a hard task. I think they all look great. Here's a small sampling of Jeremy's life so far.

Jeremy In Progress, Oct 1987

Newborn Jeremy, Dec 1987

Sweet sleeper, 18 weeks

11 months, with Howlie

Tall in the saddle at 16 months

2 years, Dec. 1989

3 years, Dec 1990

4 years, Dec 1991

5 years, Dec 1992

1st day of Kindergarten
Sep 1993

When we first got Blacky, Oct 1993

7 years, Dec 1994

8 years, Dec 1995

9 years, Dec 1996

10 years, Dec 1997

Playing the bells, 11 years, Feb 1999

Siesta time, 11 years, July 1999

6th grade, Oct 1999

Where did the years go?
When did that tiny little baby turn into a young man,
And what does the future hold for him?

Background from

dreamfires link

Thank you for stopping by
to meet Jeremy


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Updated on 12-31-2003




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