The Story Of Us

"Everything I Do, I do it for you"
Bryan Adams

Christmas 1999

What can I say about my guys? That I love them with all my heart? That I'm so glad I've been blessed with such a wonderful husband and two precious children? That, despite the ups and downs, and the hard times, I wouldn't trade my life for anything? Words seem so inadequate to describe the happiness I've had from helping to make this little family. I hope you'll enjoy seeing a little slice of our life so far.

I had been working as a data entry operator at Control Data Corporation in Minneapolis, MN, and Jim was in the Coast Guard, when we decided to get married. We were married in my hometown of Ramsay, Michigan, on April 30, 1983. Hopefully you saw my wedding album a few pages earlier. We lived in the San Francisco area from May to September of 1983. Then Jim went to a Coast Guard school in New York and I stayed with my parents in Michigan. In March 1984 we went to Morehead City, North Carolina, where Jim was stationed on a bouy tender, the Gentian, at Fort Macon in Atlantic Beach. A year later Jim went to another Coast Guard school, this time in Yorktown, Virginia. We moved to Newport News, Virginia, for the summer of 1985 while he was in school. Then it was back to Morehead City and the Gentian until June of 1986, when Jim was dischared from the Coast Guard. He got a job in southern Maryland, and we moved to King George, Virginia, a small town on the Potomac River. We lived there until September of 1989.

Candy, pre-marriage
Christmas 1982

Jim in his
Coast Guard uniform
late 1982 (I think)

In December of 1987 we were blessed with a baby boy.
I hope you saw Jeremy's pages.
We still lived in Virginia.

Candy, Jim, Jeremy, and Howlie
In Virginia, May 1988

Candy, Jim, Jeremy
Jeremy's first birthday
December 1988

Wanting to move closer to our parents, so they could see Jeremy grow up, Jim got a job in a copper mine in the town of White Pine, Michigan, in the Upper Peninsula. It was within one hour of each of our parents. We made some very good friends there, and had a lot of good times.

Packing the U-Haul, Sep 1989
Moving from Virginia to Michigan

Candy, Jim Jeremy, and Howlie
Michigan, Oct 1989

Candy, Jim, Jeremy, June 1990
At Jim's brother's wedding

Jim and Jeremy, June 1992
While camping at our favorite place
Norway Lake, near Jim's parents house

Unfortunately, the copper mine closed it's doors in the summer of 1996. Knowing what was in the wind, Jim had taken a job in a lumber mill farther north. He had been driving to and from White Pine for several months, but that was getting tiring, and dangerous. Several times he narrowly missed hitting deer, bear, and coyote. We moved north, to the middle of the Keweenaw Peninsula, at the end of December 1995. We bought a house in an old mining town, as so many towns here are. The house was built around the turn of the century and had been a duplex, as most of the houses in town were. The previous owners had taken out the center wall, and done quite a bit of remodelling. The original siding was cedar shake. The first thing we did was put up new vinyl siding, and new window. That second winter, the house was a lot warmer. We did all the work ourselves. I even climbed up on the scaffolding and put up siding by myself, which I'm very proud of. We still have a lot of work to do inside.

August 1996

Spring 1999

Candy and Jeremy, Christmas 1997

Candy, Jim and Jeremy
at Jim's other brother's wedding
October 1998
I was pregnant with Stephen

After 11 long years, after we'd given up all hope,
we were blessed with another little boy, In December 1998.
I hope you saw Stephen's page.

And then there were four
Candy, Jim, Jeremy, and Stephen
Christmas 1998

Stephen's Baptism, May 1999

Candy, Jim, Jeremy, Stephen
Jim's 42nd birthday
August 1999

Jeremy, Candy, Jim, Stephen
Christmas 2000

I'm sure the best is yet to come. Life is an adventure, and I wouldn't want to experience it with anyone else.

Background from

dreamfires link

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to meet my family


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