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Guinea Pigs

These little creatures are, in my opinion, the best animals on Earth. (Of course, I'm biased.) I own two, named Olga da Polga and Cinnamon. They are, respectively, black with comical eyebrows (left one is white), and orange with tufts all over and a white mustache. They eat anything and everything, especially salad. Their favorite game is "Let's squeak at Mommy at three in the morning!" Cinnamon is champion at this.

Read (part of) my guinea pigs' biography. Updated 10/20
Fill out Olga's Guinea Pig Survey!

Click here to adopt your cyber-pigSunshine's Guinea Pig Adoption Agency


Piglet's Pages
Guinea Pig Poetry and Prose
The Cavy Clubhouse

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J. R. R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings is one of my absolute favorite books. I also enjoy reading Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series and Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern books. These are some of the best sites for Tolkien stuff and a few for Jordan.

The Tolkien Information Page
The Tolkien Collector's Resources
Unquendor:The Dutch Tolkien Society
Robert Jordan/The Wheel of Time
Bill's Wheel of Time Art Gallery This is an excellent site! Make sure to check out Bryan Ecker's portraits.
Tales of Ta'veren This MUSH is being upgraded at present, which means that you can't actually connect, but their site has superb background information on the Wheel of Time and MUSHing in general.
Anne McCaffrey's Pern

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I enjoy listening to classical music, especially Italian Baroque. I also play the cello reasonably well. (Certainly not on the level of a professional soloist, but reasonably well, still.) I am learning to play the violin. My favorite composers are Vivaldi, Bach, and Grieg. Click here to hear one of my favorite pieces by Vivaldi.

Read more about my cello.

Music Links

The Internet Cello Society A really nice club with everything! Good free e-zine.
Culture Finder This is a great place where you can look up almost anything to do with the performing arts.
My Musical Instrument--Violoncello A fun site, but I don't recommend the Jokes section.
J. S. Bach MIDIs
Maestronet Sheet Music Samples

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