<bgsound src="illbethere.mid" loop=infinite>

Chat Buddie's

People in Westwood:

Kimmy2: That's my daughter, God blessed me with her
Tazzey: That's my Son, again blessed by God
Tubman: Just like a son to me, your part of the family now!!! =)
Lovepuppy: A great guy, so when are you coming over to stay with us? =)
Twilight0: a super sweet guy =)

Twilight's Realm

Jeff: Your the best friend a girl can have=)
Chris: Jeff's partner in crime....hehehe
Rann18: My cyber-son
Shorty: My cyber-sister
Tired: My shower partner.... hehehe
Woody: WOO HOO!! I love his LAP:)
Thade: :p A great friend (I MISS YOU SO MUCH!!)
TCmsl: QT
Slavebert: A nice guy, with a dirty mind!!!
Kodiax: a great diablo player and so sweet=)
August Bear: What can I say but thank you for all your help... He is one great guy!!!

August Bear's Cave
Scratchy: where is itchy??..hehehe (I miss you)
badluck: your goodluck to me!!!
Bouncer5: My Monopoly partner and one great guy
MandMGuy: GREEN M&M's!!! yummy=)


Bocan: what's a bed???...hehehe

Bocan's World

WildOne: dont get to WILD!!!=)
G-bert: GGGBBBEEERRRTTT...I know him=)

Sorry if I forgot you.... If you dont see you name here just let me know I'll be happy to add you=)

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