Dolly's Page

Dolly The Spaniel

Dolly was an American Cocker Spaniel/English Springer Spaniel mix girl that my mom
grew-up with from 1947-1959. My grandfather brought Dolly home in his coveralls on
his way home from work for my mom's 7th birthday. My mother loved dolls as a child,
so she chose the name Dolly for her puppy. Dolly was spayed to prevent unwanted puppies,
and loved to go RV'ing with her family. Dolly was a well-travelled spaniel. She visited the central
California coast
, Mojave desert, Death Valley, The Grand Canyon, Sequoia National Forest,
King's Canyon, Yellowstone National Park, Craters of The Moon, Calico Ghost Town,
the Missouri River Headwaters, the Grand Tetons, Bryce Canyon, Zion, Lake Mead,
and Montana & Canada's Glacier International Peace Park,
among other destinations.

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I have Dolly to thank for the pleasure of my growing up with Springer Spaniels.
I wanted a dog since the time I was old enough to know what they were.
My parents knew I loved large-size dogs. And of course my mom had fond
memories growing-up with Dolly. So, my parents looked into English Springers,
and the rest as we say "is history"!

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