"Silly English-Op"
Friendship, Forever and Ever
I want you to know: I am really
Happy to have the kind of friendship
I have with you. I love it because
It's true and real and trusting.
Because it does my heart and soul
Good to know that I'm going to be
Here for you... and you for me...
When there are needs that need to
Be tended to, when there are feelings
That need to be felt, and when there
Are smiles that simply need to be
Shared in the company of
Someone who really cares...
I don't know if I could ever completely
Describe to you how important our
Friendship is to me. But it is so much
A part of all that is good in my world.
Sometimes you feel like a gift that was given
To my days to make sure that they would
Always have some happiness in them. More
Than once, I have felt that what I lack in life,
I make up for by having a friendship that I
Wouldn't trade for anything, Anytime,
I have dreams in my life that may never come
True, travels I may never take, goals I may
Not be able to reach, and hopes that might
Always be just beyond my horizons. But I
Want you to know that whether my wishes
Come true or whether they disappear
Altogether, I will always feel like one the the
Luckiest people in the world.
Because I have a friend ~ in you. And
Because we're going to be friends ~ Forever
~Jordan Carrill
u+i=friends are my bestfriend! :)
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