As far back as I can remember we have always had cats in our family.When I was very little we had a cat named "Felix".Felix was a black cat.

Bing When I was a Teen Ager my grandmother had a Grey Persian cat that she named "Bing Crosby" because she said he crooned like Bing.Bing is buried in my mothers yard and even has a little grave marker with his name on it.

Tiger When I was newly married and living in Vermont I acquired my first "very own" cat.Her name was "Tiger". Not very origional,as she was a tiger cat!This was back in the days when neutering of animals was not always done and Tiger produced many,many off spring.Since we lived in farm country it was easy to find homes for all these kittens.Someone was always looking for a new "mouser".When we moved back to Massachusetts ,Tiger came with us and lived to a ripe old age.This picture is 40+ years old!

One of Tigers kittens that we kept was "Kitty Baby".My oldest son was in a playpen at the time and we showed him the baby kitty and the name stuck as Kitty Baby.

Kitty BabyThis is Kitty Baby with my son.Hmmm can you tell its an old picture..BC (Before Color.)This cat was real good with small children and was always in the playpen...thought that it was its own house.She would play with the baby when he was playing and sleep with the baby when he was sleeping.

Curley TailThis kitty that is with my daughter was named Curley Tail because her tail had a crook in it that made it look like it was curled.This is still a black and white picture but I don't think it was BC, I think it was before I could afford color film.These two played and slept together all the time.

I have always liked pure white cats....don't know why....just do,so in 1980,when my neighbors cat had kittens and two of them were white I picked one out for myself and named him Ziggy..after the cartoon character.My 13 year old son thought Ziggy needed company and begged to adopt his sister as his cat. He promised to buy the food for "his" cat!AND so we acquired 2 white cats.He named his cat Mr. Savik for a Character in Star Trek, who was actually a female!He did buy a couple of bags of cat food for his cat too!Here is a picture of the two white cats. As you can see I finally could afford color film!Two Cats Ziggy is the cat nearest my husbands hand and Mr. Savik is in the foreground. In spite of the fact that they are brother and sister,Ziggy was a short hair cat and Mr. Savik is a long hair cat.Ziggy died of a heart attack when he was 10 years old.Mr.Savik is still doing great at 18 years old. The little dog in the picture is my Yorkie ,Terrance ,who lived for 16 years.

Cat GifThis is Ziggy on the left in his favorite position of relaxation. He sort of reminds me of the cartoon cat on the right....only difference is the color of the cats....the attitudes are the same!Ziggy had to use a chair...he couldn't find a fence in the house....and our fence outside has pickets...ouch!!!Ziggy and Mr. Savik,as kittens,played together all the time and were a joy to see.As they grew older ,they merely tolerated each other!

Tatter The next cat that entered my life was a kitten my daughter got that she named "Tatter Boy".This is a picture of "Tatter Boy "taken in 1984."Tatter boy" turned out to be a "girl" and so she is now known as just plain Tatter.When Tatter was a tiny kitten she was attacked by a big cat.She actually developed an infection on the brain from the bigger cats claws digging into her skull.Thanks to a good vet ,and my daughters dilligence in cleaning the wounds faithfully,Tatter survived...She had a litter of kittens before we had her "fixed".My son tells me I should call it "broken" not "fixed", as everything worked fine before this little procedure!

TatterThis is Tatter today...She is 14 years old and is a beautiful black cat with a tiny dot of white on the front of her neck.She thinks that the kitchen table was put there for her use....really now,how else would one watch the birds on the feeders!Tatter likes to chase Chipmunks when she is outside and she is really good at catching them...She even eats them...Uggh!

SavikThis is Savik today. She is almost 19 years old and spends most of her day sleeping on the carpet.She does,however,still chase and catch field mice when she is out side.The border on this page is Savik in her younger and more "Regal Looking" days.

NOTE: November 18,1998...Today was a sad day indeed as we had to have Savik put to sleep today. She would have been 19years old in April. She will be missed.

The following collages are a tribute to my mothers cat Precious.She gave my mother many moments of laughter with her antics.

Index| |Me| |Family| |Exchange Students| |WaterFall and Pond| |Machine Knitting| |Cats in My Life| |ICQ Me|
|Bordered Backgrounds| |Wild Flower Borders| |Tubes for PSP 5.0| |Fruit & Veggie Tubes| |Wild Flower Tubes|
|More Bird Tubes| |More Tubes| |Tube Art| |Web Rings|

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