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Our back yard always had a space in the corner that seemed to have no direction. Your eyes were drawn to it, but there was nothing there to see!For several years my sons had said to me,"Mom, you should have a water fall and fish pond out in that corner."
And so the fun began!

We read many books on Water Gardens, Ponds and WaterFalls.The boys decided(I did have some input) that we should have a Waterfall that emptied into a little river and then into a bigger pond with fish and water plants in it.We also wanted a bridge over the small river that went to a deck from where we could watch the fish.

After much blood,sweat and tears(mine) a little bit of heaven grew in our backyard.

This is the Pond in April.
The yellow flower in the foreground is not real....it is a HummingBird feeder. We get lots of HummingBirds and ButterFlys around the pond in the summer.

Here it is May 4th. and the greenery on the WaterFall is looking good.

Here it is May 8th and the Koi are coming to the surface looking for food.The orange dots you see are fish!

The Cherry Tree in front of the WaterFall is in bloom today..just in time for Mother's Day.

Stop by again as I plan to put a new picture of the Pond here every month,or maybe more frequently as things begin to bloom.I have a Digital Camera so,who knows,I could be back here most every day with a new picture.Isn't this new technology great?

Here it is May 19th. and we have had so much rain lately that I have hardly been out to the pond until today.The Turtle is busy spitting out water...I wonder,does he ever get tired of this job of his...

The Clemetis on the old tree stump is starting to bloom...Will be a sight to see when it is in full bloom...There sure is a lot of lush greenery around due to all the rain we have had lately...There are a lot of mosquitoes too!

Here it is May 27th and boy oh boy,after all the rain it sure is green around the waterfall.

Just look at the White Clemetis on the fence...it is in full bloom.

...and the Water Iris is in bloom today,May 29th.Each bloom only last a few days...but I will have this picture to enjoy them forever!

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Background on this page created by me from a picture of the WaterFall.

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