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Homeschool House!
Thank you Jennifer for our new banner!




Home School House
skipping rope

little girlDeuteronomy 6:4-7 little boy
[4] " Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. [5] Love the LORD your God with all your
heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. [6] These commandments that I give you
today are to be upon your hearts. [7] Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit
at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."


Websters defines home as: "the social unit formed by a family living together."

Websters defines school as: "an organization that provides instruction: the process of teaching or learning ."

Homeschool: Families living, teaching and learning together.

Since June 14, 1998, "students" have attended the Home School House!
The "Home School House" welcomes you! Our mission is to provide homeschooling resources for the Christian homeschooler whether you are a new homeschooler or a seasoned pro!


Welcome to the "Homeschool House." We are the Perkins family and we are a homeschooling family
from South Carolina. Inside our "Homeschool House" you will find homeschooling resources, links,
unit study ideas, curriculum ideas and links, general information on homeschooling, homeschool
message boards, homeschooling mailing lists, internet discoveries, homeschooling magazines, and so
much more. Take the time now to bookmark this page because you will never see it all in one day and
you will be visiting many links.


Homeschooling your child is a very fulfilling experience with great rewards. We hope that we
are able to help you in your homeschooling experience.

abc apples

Why choose homeschooling?

God wants us to raise our children to love and honor Him.
Children are a sum total of their experiences!
You know your child's strengths and weaknesses.
Set your own schedule and vacations.
Small classroom. (smile)
Higher test scores.
Close family relationships.
No homework after school!
It's a wonderful lifestyle!!!!

Homeschooling is a very personal decision and no two families will give you the
same exact reason why they chose to homeschool their children.

teddy bear picnic

bookworm What about socialization? bookworm

Without homework, you'll have more time than ever before for fun
extracurricular activities!!!

My daughter, Ashley, takes horseback riding lessons, art lessons, plays softball, basketball, runs track, participates in Awanas (church group) and plays with her friends!



Join a Christian Support Group!



A support group is VITAL!!! Our group has oral presentation day for the children once a month, pizza parties, track events, art lessons, choir, park days, and conducts standardized testing for our children. We also get together for field trips and much more!

Listing by state of local support groups.

Raggedy AndyProverbs 22: 6 :Raggedy

"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."

heart rope

Would you like to know more about homeschooling?

Check out our links below and feel free to e-mail me or page me by
ICQ # 13619259! I would love to talk with you and I will be happy to
help in any way possible.

abc line


Jesus with children

"All About Jesus"
On-going Bible Study for Children!
Don't miss our on-going Bible study featuring terrific studies on both the old and new testament focusing on how the Bible all fits together. Kids can sign up for the "All About Jesus" newsletter just for kids. Subscribe today for FREE and join over 400 current subscribers.


school house

Homeschool House

Be sure and bookmark. The Homeschool House is updated frequently.

Our Homeschool House Newsletter, "The House Mouse" is available online
or by e-mail subscription.
Visit today and subscribe!

"Bulletin Board"
Front door of the
"Homeschool House"


lil blackboard

How to get started homeschooling.
Information & Links on issues facing new homeschoolers.

school bell

to teach
This month's
Homeschool Internet


Educational Links
by Subject!
(Also visit "Field Trips
Discoveries, & Homeschooling Resources.)

patch heart

Great Ways to Meet Other Homeschoolers & Exchange Ideas!
Links to Message Boards, Online chats, news groups and mailing lists.

Other homeschoolers
on the web.

pencil and ruler

Resources for New Homeschoolers or Old Pros
New and used
curriculum links.


star Our Unit Study Ideas star
Laura Ingalls Wilder Unit Study
All About Bears
Ashley's Impeachment Page for Concerned Kidz
A Tribute to America & A Look at Exodus
"All About Thanksgiving"
"All About Jesus" Christmas Celebration


bear teacher
Visit our Online Book Store for great resources.
(Coming Soon)



Homeschooling Magazines & Articles
Homeschooling articles & magazine resources very helpful to the homeschooling family or to those considering the education of their children.


  Home School Legal Defense Association
A non-profit advocacy organization established to defend and advance the constitutional right of parents to direct the education of their children and to protect family freedoms. Through annual memberships, HSLDA is tens of thousands of families united in service together, providing a strong voice when and where needed.


Should You Have Your Child Tested?
Information concerning standardized testing and links to resources.
(Coming Soon)

busy as a bee

Homeschool House Message Board.
Visit our Review site and give us your opinion on the strengths and weaknesses of various homeschooling resources.

  Contest for Kids
Internet Contest
on the Web


College Concerns
Information & Links for homeschooled teens who are getting ready to
enter college.


The Homeschool House is updated frequently so please bookmark!


Thanks for visiting. We hope that we have
provided resources and information that will be
helpful to you as you homeschool your children.

Where to next???

Brighten someone's day with a card from our new Card Shop!

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Directory of our web-site.

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Noah's Ark
"All About Jesus"
Bible Study for Children!

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Bless us


The Homeschool Webring

The Homeschool House
Copyright 1998 by Debbie Perkins, Charleston, SC. All rights reserved.
Click Here for God's Counter Counting Since October 14th, 1999!!!