D |
Pronunciation |
Description |
d’ici-de là |
deh•SEE deh•LAH |
from here to there a term used to describe a movement with the leg off the floor 45° or 90° example: leg front 45° -
quickly carry the leg to the side then back to the front |
de |
deh |
to |
dedans, en |
ahn deh•DAHN |
inwards a directional term that is used to describe a turn example: standing on the
left leg with the right foot passé (right foot placed on the knee of the supporting leg
and knee facing outwards) - turn counter-clockwise |
dehors, en |
ahn dah•OHR |
outwards a directional term that is used to describe a turn example: standing on the
left leg with the right foot passé (right foot placed on the knee of the supporting leg
and knee facing outwards) - turn clockwise |
demi-plié |
deh•MEE plee•AY |
small bend a movement fundamental to
ballet that calls for the knee(s) to bend in alignment over the toes without causing the
heel(s) of the foot to lift off the floor |
demi-pointes |
deh•MEE pwant |
small point; rise a rise on to the ball of the foot; usually referred to when a ballerina is in pointe shoes |
demi-ronds |
deh•MEE rohn |
half round; half circle a term used to describe a
movement of the leg usually off the floor 45° or 90° and travels from the front to the
side or side to back (en dehors), or from the back to the side or side to the front (en
dedans) |
derrière |
deh•REHY•ehr |
back |
dessous |
deh•SOO |
under a directional term used to describe a movement example: right leg front 5th
position - extend the right leg to the side and then place it in 5th position back |
dessus |
deh•SEW |
over a directional term used to describe a movement example: right leg back 5th
position - extend the right leg to the side and then place it in 5th position front |
deux |
duh |
two |
deuxième |
duh•zee•EM |
second |
devant |
deh•VAHN |
front |
développé |
diagonale |
dy•aguh•NAHL |
diagonal |
divisés en quarts |
deh•vee•SAY ahn kar |
divide in quarters a movement on one leg with the other extended that switches the position of the body and leg with one quarter turn; example: begin 5th position
- extend the front leg either 45° or 90° to the front, turn on the supporting leg one
quarter circle as the leg is moved to the side (see fouetté) |
dix |
deess |
ten |
E |
Pronunciation |
Description |
écarté |
AY•kar•TAY |
step aside; swerving; deviation one of three épualement positions a directional term used to decribe a position where the leg is extended to the side example: with the hips and
shoulders facing the diagonal extend one leg to the side |
échappé |
AY•shah•PAY |
to escape a movement that begins in
5th position and moves quickly to 2nd position either by sliding feet to the ball of the
foot or as a jump from 5th position to 2nd position |
effacé |
ay•fah•SAY |
to draw aside one of three épualement positions a directional term used to describe a position where one leg in either front or back example: effacé en avant
(to the front) - with the hips and shoulders facing the diagonal (down-room corner left)
extend the left leg to the front |
emboîté |
ahn•bwah•TAY |
to fit in; joining a jumping movement from one foot to the other example: with the right leg
slightly bent and held off the floor 45° jump up and land on the right leg with the left
leg slightly bent and held off the floor 45° - usually this move is repeated in quick
succession |
en |
ahn |
to |
en dedans |
dedans, en |
en dehors |
dehors, en |
en face |
face, en |
en l'air |
l'air, en |
entrechat |
ahn•truh•SHAH |
to caper; to dash against each other a jump from two feet, beating the legs together and landing either on one or two feet there are numerous
entrechat: -quatres, -cinq, -six, -sept, -huit, -nuef, -dix |
entrelacé |
ahn•truh•lah•SAY |
interlace |
épualement |
ay•pawhl•MAHN |
shoulder a term used in ballet to decribe one of three positions: croisé, écarté, effacé |
F |
Pronunciation |
Description |
face, en |
ahn fahss |
to face a basic position in ballet
that calls for the dancer to face front |
failli |
fah•YEE |
to nearly fall a movement than has the body
supported on one leg lean off balance then quickly pass the other leg in a given direction
and catch the fall |
fermé |
fehr•MAY |
to close a term used to describe
numerous jumps that requires the dance to close the working leg after the jump ends |
flic-flac |
flehk-flak |
slap; pop (a term to decribe a sound and/or action) a movement performed either in place, with a half-turn or whole turn, and is referenced as either en dehors or en dedans example: with the working
leg extended to the front it closes front 5th position, brushes up the front of the ankle,
extends to the side, closes back 5th position, extends to the back, then closes 5th
position |
fondue |
fohn•DEW |
to melt a movement in ballet that calls for the dancer to stand on one foot bending and extending both legs at the same time example: the working leg
extended to the side - bring the working leg's foot to the ankle of the supporting leg as
both legs bend at the knees, extend the working leg to the side with the knee bent, then
stretch both legs at the same time |
fouetté |
fweh•TAY |
to whip a movement on one leg that requires the dancer to change the hip and torso direction while maintaining the leg direction and position example: with the torso and
hips facing front extended the working leg front and make one-half turn to face the back,
leaving the working leg in place (now in the back) |
frappé |
frah•PAY |
to strike; to strike powerfully a quick action of the leg example: working leg's foot
is placed in the front of the supporting leg's ankle - quickly throw the foot forward then
softly bring it back to the ankle - this movement can be done front, side or back, and
also done with beats |