Welcome to the Web page for ORIENTALS WEST, a non-profit club affililated with the Cat Fanciers' Association, Inc. ("CFA"), and an international breed club for both the Longhair and Shorthair Oriental cat (also called Oriental Longhairs/Angoras, and Oriental Shorthairs/Foreign Shorthairs, respectively).

ORIENTALS WEST has been a member of CFA since 1982*. The club was originally formed to promote the Oriental Shorthair breed on the west coast of the United States, and its first officers and directors were: Dotti Olsen (Perfection), president; Jane Cox (Felicicat), vice-president; Cherylee DeYoung (Derry Downs), secretary; Bernard Bailey, treasurer; Nancy Green (Jacares); Nici Callahan (Sea Shell); Vicky Markstein (Petmark) and Ruth Cook (Corwyn). Half of the club's 25 charter members resided in southern California, with the rest in Arizona and northern California. Although today ORIENTALS WEST is still a Southwest Region club, we are now online and welcome Oriental cat enthusiasts from around the world.

Is your club featuring Orientals at its next show? If so, feel free to contact our Secretary about ring sponsorship or a Best-in-Show trophy.

For several years ORIENTALS WEST has furnished other clubs with our custom-made 10" lime green "Best of Breed" ribbons. If you anticipate that your club's next show will have at least two entries in LH Orientals and/or at least three entries in SH Orientals (any competitive class), just contact our Secretary, and the appropriate number of ribbons will be sent free of charge in exchange for marked catalog pages for Kitten, Championship and Premiership cats competing in each division.

Our members want to educate cat fanciers about Orientals, and of course we love showing off our cats! So if your club is planning to have breed booths (photo displays and/or cats for viewing/handling by the public) at its next show, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are also available for TV promotions and press parties, and can sometimes provide other breeds of cats as well.

*The club was temporarily dropped from CFA in 1997 for non-payment of dues.

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