Rakiscats Cattery

Rakiscats cattery was established in 1985 for the purpose of breeding red and tortoiseshell Oriental Shorthairs (and Siamese--or Colorpoint Shorthairs--in the same colors, i.e., red points and tortie points). In 1987 we added a shaded silver Oriental Shorthair program, and in 1990 we started an Oriental Longhair program, again specializing in reds and shaded silvers. Currently we are concentrating on breeding
Raskin the longhairs and the shaded silver shorthairs, with only one "red" shorthair litter a year to carry on our line.

Cathy could be a professional cat photographer in her spare time (what spare time!?!) so our page has LOTS of photos for you to view. The JPGs/GIFs are usually under 50k. Unless otherwise noted, all photos on this Web page are copyright
Dali Cathy Galfo, Chanan, Paradox and Nalan, and all rights are reserved.

Spider Roi Muert GIF Giselle Cimon Toast

"Planet Dune" logo © 1985 Cathy Galfo   Orientals West logo © 1987 Cathy Galfo
Web page text and rosette logos © 1997-2007 Cathy Galfo
"Paul Meets Chani" MIDI file courtesy of Josh Fleming

Last update: 25-Sep-2007
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Rakiscats Cattery
California & North Carolina USA
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Kris Willison's Balinese, Javanese and Oriental Longhair page | Julia May's Palantir Cattery page
Oriental Longhair breeders | Red Web | Fanciers Breeder Referral List (FBRL)
Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) | The International Cat Association (TICA)
American Cat Fanciers Association (ACFA)

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<A SRC="chani.mid">No music? You need a sound card and/or a helper application!</A>