Jesse Welcome

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Jesse wanted to enter this world when I was only 6 months pregnant.

Quite an impatient little one he was...(and is ).
Needless to say, he waited and was born on the 21st day of October 1987.
Jesse was a wonderful baby, and has grown into quite the young man.
Handsome too!{not bias..nope.. *S*}. He is definitely ALL boy, he loves to hunt with his dad, play baseball and he is also quite
the artist.

His teacher tells me that during most of his free time, he seems to be continually drawing pictures.....tractors ...plows....... country in this boy! *LOL*!!!

He also loves to work with wood, which he does down in the shop with his Dad. I am the proud owner of several 'unique' bird houses...feeders and nice wooden boxes to... as he says...
"Keep your stuff in, MOM!!"
*Smile* Jesse, you ARE the light of my life
.... you make me smile, laugh and you give me LIFE!!!!!

Jesse just loves to drive his gocart around the acreage.

I LOVE YOU, Sweetheart! *KISS*

Luke Jesse and Lacey

My Son, I Love You

As you keep growing and learning
striving and searching
it is very important
that you pursue your own interests
without anything holding you back
It will take time
to fully understand yourself
and to discover what you
want out of life
As you keep growing and learning
striving and searching
I know that the steps in your journey
will take you on the right path
Whatever happens in the future
I will always be rooting
for your happiness and success
and you can always depend
on my love and support.

-- Susan Polis Schutz

Lady Care's Award
The Gift of Children is the Gift of Love
Thank-you, LadyCare for YOUR Gift of Love!!

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