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Grand Champion Koi Award

Sites who recieved the award :

- 8 may 1998 - Lee's Koi Corner

Maybe, this award will become the most wanted award by our members, or even by other persons...
Why I created the award? Just to give the best sites more visibility. If a site is interesting and has a good layout, it's worth a visit, so the site recieves extra visibility...
Now it's logical that you think you have created a great site, but what do others think about it? That's why I don't want to be the only person that is reviewing your pages. I also don't intend to give the award to everybody who applies for it.

What is the minimum needed to recieve the award?
- Of course your page must be about KOI.
- Try to recieve at least 3 votes from Koi-members. You can visit their site and ask them to come to your site and vote for you. Therefore you need to put this piece of HTML-code on one of your pages. You can add any HTML-code before or after this HTML-block to draw attention to it, but take care to leave the supplied code as it is! It will look like this: (feel free to test it...)

Please enter your ITKL-member-id and press the 'Vote'-button


- After you recieved 3 votes from ITKL-members, I will visit your site and take the final decision...

So now you know what to do. Be aware that I take the final decision. Therefore, I want to tell you some things that might help :
- Try to become an ITKL-member yourself (if you aren't already one).
- I like an easy layout : navigation, reading,...
- Graphics aren't the main objective, good information is... And this is the most important requirement for your site!

If I decided your site recieves the 'Grand Champion Koi Award', I will send you a mail with the Award-logo and the HTML needed to put on one of your pages.

Good luck in creating a great Koi-info site!

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