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Here are links to online data for ALL known cemeteries in Prairie Creek, Prairieton and Linton townships in Vigo Co., IN. Please e-mail me if you have ancestors buried in one of the following cemeteries and they are missing or you feel any information is incorrect. Click on the links below to view their contents.
Note: I am in the process of putting all the cemetery data into table format. This will take some time and, for a while, some will be in tables while others are still in the old format. I've placed an * by the cemeteries that are in tables. I hope they will be easier to read and scan for surnames.
Index of Vigo County, IN Cemeteries
Association for Gravestone Studies - Links
This and That Genealogy Tips on Cemeteries
The Tombstone Transcription Project - Indiana
Have ancestors buried here or have additional information? E-mail me and let me know!
I'd love to put pictures of your ancestors online!
Where would you like to go?