Santa's Kiss
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Santa's Kiss

Basic Instructions
Cut three pieces of seven count plastic canvas
about 1 5/8" or 10 holes square .

Take two squares and slip stitch two sides together as shown.

Hold the two stitched pieces together and open the unstitched sides. Stitch the third square on one side of the unstitched plastic as pictured.

Continue to corner and down other side.

You now have a pyramid effect.

You can see by each of these pictures that they can be squeezed and the unstitched side will open like a mouth.

To create the Santa I used fake fur cut for the top and bottom. Small piece of red felt for the hat. Pop-poms for the nose and hat with wiggle eyes to complete the project. I printed tags saying "Give me a squeeze and I'll give you a kiss". Hershey kisses were used for the kiss. You may use a piece of yarn attached to the back to hang as a decoration.
Try making a bunny for Easter or pumpkin for Halloween.

Happy Crafting

If I can help anyone with my knoweledge of my creations, please don't hesitate to e-mail me. My

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