Santa's Kiss
Santa's Kiss
Basic Instructions
Cut three pieces of seven count plastic canvas about 1 5/8" or 10 holes square . |
Take two squares and slip stitch two sides together as shown. |
Hold the two stitched pieces together and open the unstitched sides. Stitch the third square on one side of the unstitched plastic as pictured. |
Continue to corner and down other side. |
You now have a pyramid effect. |
You can see by each of these
pictures that they can be squeezed and the unstitched side will open like a mouth.
To create the Santa I used fake fur
cut for the top and bottom. Small piece of red felt for the hat. Pop-poms for the nose
and hat with wiggle eyes to complete the project. I printed tags saying "Give me a squeeze and I'll give you a kiss". Hershey kisses were used for the kiss.
You may use a piece of yarn attached to the back to hang as a decoration.
Try making a bunny for Easter or
pumpkin for Halloween.
Happy Crafting
If I can help anyone with my knoweledge of my creations, please don't hesitate to e-mail me.
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