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This website is dedicated to proclaiming God's dearest wish that all people will be saved. Or as His word, the Holy Bible, says:
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
(John 3:16)
In view of this, preparing and publishing this site is just a tiny way to express gratitude to our heavenly Father.
calling names
You like calling names on some-one? Then this is not the right place. Here you will find names of our Saviour instead.
free gift
The world wide web brings you many so-called free offers. The only free offer that really has eternal value is the free gift of eternal life. How to obtain it? Read it here.
dirty tricks
No, you won't read about new tricks to irritate your neighbour. Instead you'll find here the way the master of dirty tricks, the devil himself, tries to keep you away from God.

christians in persecution
Bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world is not easy. Christians in many countries are put in custody and are tortured by the authorities. Or they are mistreated and disdained by civilians. The real stories you'll find here are just a simple way to memorize all those christians in persecution.
useful phrases from the Bible
The Bible is an extraordinary book: though it was written very long ago, it has to say us many good things. Find out here a selection of beautiful phrases and remarkable prose which may be useful to you.
christian links
Links to interesting and useful christian sites on the net. Check them out here.
about the author
Just in case you're interested: click here.
what's new
A list of updates you'll find on this page.

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times since March 17, 1998

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