
Daniel: A Biography

by Rebecca

Daniel. A young man at Tulane University exploring new aspects of life everyday. However, he's more than just a guy at college. Yes, he is typical in that he procrastinates doing his homework, downloads MP3s onto his laptop, and plays games and chats to his friends online. Yet, he is only 20 and has a drive for politics that most people don't have even when they're 30. He has a pride in our nation, that personally, I sometimes don't understand. On the other hand, he has a pride in the Chicago Cubs, and I don't understand that either, so who knows? ;)

I've known Daniel for seven years. Seven, very long years. So, from being great friends for that long, I can say he possesses friendship qualities that are hard to find. He's always there and listening and sharing. He's responsible and honest and trustworthy. He's loyal and well, that's what a friend is all about. :)

We could get into his competitive side, but that might frighten young children. ;) Let's just say that he does not enjoy losing - ANYTHING. Not even a silly charade game played at 8:00am after an overnight retreat. And don't ever beat him in bowling, wearing a prom dress, especially if he's the one who taught you to bowl in the first place. Yes, he has a competitive streak in him and it is reflected in just about everything he does. He applies it to his grades, any sports or band events, and even to his friends' CD collections. Just kidding. :) He's doesn't really care about our CDs, but the rest is true! :)

Well, I'm keeping this bio short and sweet. Daniel's a great guy, caring and loving, understanding and smart, competitive and a good leader. We will probably all see him in Washington some day. I hope he remembers the little people who helped make his web pages...or at least his best friends. ;)

Thank you very much Rebecca...I appreciate it.

Have a great day!
God bless,

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