Welcome to Mitch Biggar's
New Brunswick History Tidbits
with Irene Doyle

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Page by page history scrolls by

The Westmorland Road
Woodstock Businesses 1830 - 1840
Ward Chipman
The Steamboat Woodstock
The Spy of Beausejour
Fredericton under siege
The Miramichi Fire
The Madawaska Conflict
The Free Meeting House
The March of the 104th
The last Duel
The Gubbins Tour
The French / British Conflict
Where's the Key
St Andrews
The Southeast 1763-1775
Simonds, Hazen and White
The Golden Age of Shipbuilding
The Revolutionary War
Other Loyalist Settlements
On the Saint John River
In the Northeast 1763-1775
New Brunswick's Hemp Farms
New Brunswick's First Hospital
Benedict Arnold
Miramichi Beginnings
Lumbering Pioneers
The Master Thief Henry Smith
1833 Fredericton
Fort Beausejour
Churches 1763-1775
The Emperor of Grand Manan
The First Bank In Woodstock
The Pork and Beans War
An Affair Of Honor
The 1840 Census
The First Provincial Jail
The Leper Colony
The Baron

This page was designed by Irene Doyle September 1999