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· Pygmy Info ·

The Canadian Pygmy goat is a well balanced, smoothly blended, well muscled animal with strong bone quality. The Canadian Pygmy Goat is well proportioned with a little more length than width. In these animals, we see the strengths which contribute to longevity, including strong bone, feet, and legs, wide, intelligent heads, and wide, powerful chests.

General Appearance
Attractive individuality indicating femininity (or masculinity); vigour, strength, and healthy condition, with harmonious blending, and correlation of parts; impressive style, and attractive carriage, graceful, and powerful walk.
Back is strong, broad, and level across chine, and loin.
Rump medium long, medium wide, and moderately sloped; thurls high, and wide, tail symmetrical, and carried high.
Smooth blending of the shoulder blades which should be set smoothly against the chest wall, and withers; full in the crops; withers nearly level with the spine.

Breed Characteristics
Expression alert, and animated; medium head length; profile dished; muzzle broad, and full; jaws broad, well muscled, and correctly aligned with bite neither under, nor overshot. Eyes set well apart, prominent, but not protruding; ears medium sized, and held erect.
Breed specific markings; as per colour description.
Coat dense; hair straight, more abundant in bucks.
Legs strong, and well muscled; wide apart; squarely set; forelegs straight, cannon bone short; hindlegs well angulated; pasterns short, strong, and resilient; feet well shaped, deep heel, level sole; knees, and hocks clean. Wide in the escutcheon with legs well apart when viewed from the rear.
Chest floor wide, full at point of elbow, and deep in the heart.
Barrel broad, and deep, ribs well sprung. Capacity relatively large in proportion to the size of the animal, providing ample digestive capacity; strength, and vigour with proportionate length of body.
Bucks must have two single, normal, non-functional teats, each with one orifice; and normal testicles; both descended fully, and equal in size.
Does must have symmetrical, cylindrical, functional teats; each with one orifice, free of obstructions. Udder balanced, firm, rounded, and well attached with high, wide rear udder, and well extended fore udder.

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