Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
Rev. Daniel J. Teller, Pastor E-mail Pastor Teller Church Office E-mail
Church phone: (847)537-4430 Fax: (847)537-4480 Nursery School: (847)520-1116
304 W Palatine Road Prospect Heights, Illinois 60070-1199

[About us] [From the Pastor] [Sonshine Nursery School] [Ministries] [Contact Us]

Welcome to Our Redeemer's web site! Sorry for the mess, but there's a lot of construction going on! We should be up and running by the begining of December. Thank you for your understanding and may the Lord greatly bless your day!

If you live in the area or are passing through, please stop in and worship with us and share in fellowship. Our service times are as follows:

  • Sunday Services 8:30AM and 10:00AM (Sunday School at 10:15AM)
  • Sunday 10:15AM Adult Bible study
  • Lent and Advent Wednesdays 10:00 AM and 7:30 PM
  • Thursday Service 7:30PM

Holy Communion is celebrated on the first and third Sundays in the 8:30 AM service and on the second and fourth Sundays in the 10:00 AM service. Communion is celebrated at both services on the fifth Sunday.
Nursery care is provided at the Sunday 10:00 AM service.


You, O Lord, are our Father, OUR REDEEMER is your name. -- Isaiah 63:16

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