Elected Officers
- President
- Presides at meetings of Voters and Church Councils. Coordinates functions, plans, and activities of the Congregation.
- Vice-President
- Assists the President as needed and fulfills President's responsibilities in their absence.
- Secretary
- Records and maintains the minutes of all meetings of the Voters and Church Councils.
- Treasurer
- Maintains records of Congregational receipts and disbursements and budgeted and actual expenditures.
- Financial Secretary
- Responsible for counting, recording and depositing all receipts for the Congregation, and records all contributions by the members of the Congregation.
- Boards
- The Boards of Our Redeemer are detailed elsewhere in this document.
- Pastor- Rev. Daniel J. Teller
- As undershepherd, Pastor is responsible for the general supervision and oversight of the ministy of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church.
- Sonshine Nursery School Director- Adrianne Ackeret (Acting)
- Responsible for the organization and implementation of the Sonshine Nursery School for Our Redeemer Lutheran Church.
- Church Secretaries- Sallyann Okuno and Kathy Koenig
- Responsible for the general supervision and oversight of the daily ministry of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church through support of the staff, officers and board members of Our Redeemer.
- Custodian- Clarence Maihack
- Responsible for the general maintenance of the facility.
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- Board of Elders
- Oversees the spiritual welfare of the Pastor(s) and Congregation members and is responsible for the supervision of everything pertaining to Congregational worship.
- Board of Stewardship
- Initiates and carries out programs for the development of good stewardship attitudes of the members of the Congregation in regard to time, talent and treasures.
- Board of Trustees
- Responsible for the maintenance and repair of church property and represents the Congregation in all legal matters and general protection of the Congregation against loss or damage.
- Board of Christian Education
- Responsible for the total education program of the church.
- Board of Assimilation
- Assists the Congregation in the reception, orientation and assimilation of new and current members.
- Youth Board
- Works to provide the youth of the Congregation with educational and activity programs that foster and nurture their Christian faith and participation in the Congregation.
- Board for Social Ministry
- Seeks out and promotes opportunities for Congregational support of and participation in programs that assist and benefit those in our broader community in need of special assistance.
- Sonshine School Board
- Administers the Congregation's community nursery school and programs.
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- Stephen Ministry
- A ministry of trained Christians equipped to stand with others in a broad range of life concerns or crises, helping our Pastor care for people who are hospitalized, bereaved, lonely, separated or divorced.
- P.A.D.S.
- Public Action to Deliver Shelter (to the homeless). Assist in supervising and working at a shelter site.
- Meals on Wheels
- Deliver hot meals to shut-ins with a smile and some warm words.
- Prayer Chain
- The purpose of the Prayer chain is to promote congregational prayer and a spirit of caring for one another's needs. Prayer requests may come from any source. The Prayer Chain mobilizes as many persons as possible in prayer in any given situation.
- Lutheran Women's Missionary League
- "The mission of the Lutheran Women's Missionary League is to assist each woman of The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod in affirming her relationship with the Triune God so that she is enabled to use her gifts in ministry to the people of the world." -LWML web site
- Dorcas Society
- The purpose of the Dorcas Society is to develop and maintain a greater mission conciousness among the women of the church and synod, to promote Christian fellowship and to financially assist the church through bake sales. The Dorcas Society supports the LWML, Bethesda Thrift Shop and sponsor Mite Box collections.
- Elizibeth Circle
- Members of the Elizabeth Circle plan, cook and serve Senior Citizen Luncheons. They hold four luncheons in the year: Spring Luncheon, Picnic, Fall Luncheon, Christmas Luncheon
- Lydia Circle
- The Lydia Circle supports Lutheran World Relief through the collection of clothing and other items for world relief, and sew layettes as a parish project.
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- Mary Martha Circle
- Assists the congregation and Pastor in special activities, maintain the kitchen, plan and serve funeral luncheons/dinners, and plan and supervise other special luncheons.
- Sarah Circle
- Responsible for maintaining the church library.
- Altar Guild
- Responsible for preparing and maintaining the Altar for each worship.
- Usher Corps
- Assist in the responsibility for a smooth running worship service under the supervision of an Elder by seating attendees, passing out bulletins, taking the collection and ushering communicants.
- Greeters
- Meet attendees at the door with a hand shake and warm greeting, and direct people to the sanctuary.
- AAL Branch 3532
- Support Christian fellowship and service activities. Open to all holders of Aid Association to Lutheran policies.
- Men's Club
- Purpose is to further Christian fellowship and stewardship, support and co-operate with Lutheran Laymans League.
- Bridge and Pinochle Club
- Promotes Christian fellowship. Meets monthly
- Bowling League
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Music Ministry
- The Choir
- The choir meets on weekday evenings and adults are encouraged to join in singing praises to our Lord with various singing opportunities offered throughout the church year.
- Handbells
- The handbell choir plays a variety of music throughout the year, from duets to full choir. You can hear the classics to some modern pieces offered to enhance our worship of the Lord.
- Instrumental Ensembles
- Provide uplifting settings of the worship service for special and festival occasions.
- Redeemer Ringers
- This handbell group is open to youth from fifth through eighth grades.
- The Chimettes
- The Chime Choir is open to boys and girls in the third and fourth grades.
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Adult Education
- Sunday Bible Class
- A rich variety of subjects are offered for adults at the 10:15 AM Bible Hour. Check the Sunday bulletin for topics currently in discussion
- Adult Information Classes
- These classes are designed for adults who wish to join Our Redeemer by profession of faith. Call the church office for the current schedule.
- Weekly Bible Study
- A Tuesday morning Bible Study is held at Audrey Jensen's at 6:30 AM. Contact the church office for more information.
A Wednesday evening Bible Study is held every second and fourth Wednesday of the month in the church music room at 7:30 PM. Contact the church office for more information.
- Christian Family Movement
- This group meets on the third Friday of every month and addresses issues pertinent to today's parents. Call Sue and Tom Perek at (847)577-4666 for more information or the church office.
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Children's Education
- Sonshine Nursery School
- Because of the spiritual dimension, there is a completeness to the effort to meet the physical, academic, social and emotional needs of the students. For more information on enrollment, curriculum and general information visit the Sonshine web page, or call the church office.
- Sunday School
- The mission of Our Redeemer's Sunday School is to make the meaning of the Word of God come to life in the hearts, minds and lives of our children. Classes meet on Sundays at 10:15 to 11:15 AM during the school year, and are open to ages 3 years through fifth grade.
- Vacation Bible School
- A week of Christian activities with stories, crafts, and games. A fun time for all! VBS is open to ages 3 years through fifth grade.
- Confirmation
- A twice-monthly class is held for sixth through eighth grade children that begins in the Fall and concludes in the Spring. These classes prepare them to become young adults, confirmed members of the Congregation.
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Stephen Ministry
- Stephen Ministry
- A ministry of trained Christians equipped to stand with others in a broad range of life concerns or crises, helping our Pastor care for people who are hospitalized, bereaved, lonely, separated or divorced. See our Stephen Ministry web page for more information.
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Youth Group
- Junior Youth (6th through 8th grades)
- There are many social and service activities available to our youth including attendance at regional, Lutheran Youth Encounter events and serving as acolytes in worship. For more information contact the church office, or visit the Youth web page.
- Senior Youth (Highschool)
- The Senior youth have many social and service events available to participate in also. These include Lutheran Youth Encounter Congress, and the LCMS National Youth Gathering when held. For more information contact the church office, or visit the Youth web page.