Katie Hughes

Coffee Servers

Thank you to Sally Buchanan for getting the 1999 usher/coffee server schedule sent out. I have checked our inventory for coffee hour supplies and did some shopping. For those coffee servers, please let me know if we need anything else for coffee hour. I have additional supplies stored away. PLEASE, IF YOU ARE SERVING. ONCE DISHES ARE WASHED, IT WOULD BE HELPFUL TO STORE THEM AWAY FOR THE NEXT PERSON SCHEDULED FOR COFFEE HOUR. I NEED YOUR HELP IN KEEPING OUR KITCHEN ORGANIZED. We do have more groups using our home. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION.

Parish Picnic

Remember if you have any suggestions for location on our parish picnic, please let me know. I will be making plans for Lums Pond if I don't hear otherwise. Thanks...

Christian Education/Parish Life

It is time again for our Easter Festivities to be planned. On April 3rd, starting at 10:00 a.m., we will be having an Easter Processional/ Pageant with an Easter Egg Hunt to follow. We hope you will plan to attend. We need plastic eggs only with candy placed inside the eggs by March 28th. We do anticipate a large crowd. Please see Katie or Allison if you can give plastic eggs or help with hiding them. More details will be forthcoming.

Additional Note: We will need help distributing flyers to the local neighborhoods on March 27th for the Easter Festivities. Please contact Allison. Thanks...

St. Nicholas
Sr. Warden
Worship Reflections
Easter Pagent
Parish Life
Prayer List
Children Conf.
March Calendar
Parish Life