What's New in My World?

Here are some of the going's on:

1) June 2002 - Okay! I have lots of exciting news to report and it's only been a short time since my last update. First off, I found a place to live in Ft. Myers Beach. It's the cutest little house! Don't you think?

It's about 50 yards from the beach. I'm so excited. And guess what else? THE HOUSE FINALLY SOLD! Is that not the best news in the entire world? Well, at least in the realm of my world! I can't believe it finally happened. Kudos to our realtor Marcia.....THANK YOU! Well, I'll probably have more to say in the next few weeks, but that's it for now....hope everyone is doing wonderfully! Take care!

2) May 2002 - Wow! It's been a long time since I updated this. I won't bore you with all the things that have happened since October, I'll just update you on what's currently going on. I'm moving to Ft. Myers! I landed a new job with Verizon Information Services as the Market Manager for Florida. We are starting with a focus on the Naples/Ft. Myers area, so that's why I'm moving down there. I'm looking to rent a little cottage at the beach so anybody that's ready for a vacation is welcome to come on down! Take care!
3) October 2001 - Uuuggghhh!!! Oh, where should I start? Well, it's over. My court date for my divorce was last week and it's now all official. I'm a FREE WOMAN!! WooHoo!! I've moved into my own apartment and our house is up for sale, so keep your fingers crossed it will sell soon. I'm doing okay emotionally, just so worn out from the whole process. It didn't have to be so difficult, but for those of you who know my ex, should I have expected anything less??

There have been a lot of other issues in my life over the past couple of months as well, including the death of my grandfather in September and my eldest cat also in September. It seems like I just couldn't get out from under the black cloud, but you know what? I only see sunshine from here on out! Hope everyone is doing well. Just remember.....keep on smiling!

4) July 2001 - Well, I don't have much in the way of good news at the moment. That will change shortly, but for now, I'm just dealing with the issues that come up in the divorce process. It is a very mentally draining event. Once things start to happen and change, I'll let you know!!

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