Jessica's Star Page


The sky has a bright star, Brighter then all the others by far.

I can see it night or day, I know it's you, showing me my way.

Helping me travel through my grief,

It doesn't matter what others say, it IS you that's my belief.

Keep shining bright for me little one,

Until my time here on earth is done.

Then you can meet me at heavens door,

and I will hold you in my arms once more.

The sky has a bright star, Brighter then all the others by far.

Jessica has here own star !!!

Many thanks to:

my friends and co-workers at Resorts Casino who purchased this star in

memory of Jessica. You can find her star at:

Constallation - Ursa Minor

RA 15h 16m 0.12s D


Magnitude MV 11.7 Star #9 4411 415

( just above and to the left of the little dipper !!)

This star is registered in the international star registry's vault

in Switzerland and the name has been officially changed to

the Jessica Milone star

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