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This is what my right eye looked before surgery

After the operation my left eye with many punched out areas and scars but good vision

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Features of PIC, treatment and results
Surgical removal of
subfoveal neovascular membranes in young patients with different disorders

Surgery for
Choroidal Neovascular Membranes and AMD

Photodynamic therapy

Myopic MD:Partial reverse

Brian's story
Information on treatment for macular degeneration

Hope for the future

Translocation of retina
1, 2, 3

A new drug that halts the growth of abnormal blood vessels

A proton-beam is more concentrated than a regular laser and delivers increased energy to a smaller target

A treatment for macular degeneration that "cleans" the blood to remove toxic protein and waste material that hinder blood flow, thus increasing capillary blood flow to the macula.

Visudyne Therapy
Trials are being conducted to determine the effectiveness of Visudyne therapy in patients with a distinct condition of abnormal blood vessels associated with progressive near-sightedness known as pathologic myopia.